[Korea-chapter] [X3D] Web3D Korea Chapter Meeting, September 15, 5:10pm (September 16, 9:10am, Korea)

Richard Puk puk at igraphics.com
Wed Sep 15 09:05:32 PDT 2010

Hi, Myeong Won -


We will also have Damon Hernandez on the call to talk about the AR workshop
taking place in Korea in October. Can you please add this to the agenda?




n  Dick



* Richard F. Puk, Ph.D.

* President, Intelligraphics Incorporated
* 7644 Cortina Court
* Carlsbad, CA  92009

* Tel:  1-760-753-9027 E-Mail: puk at igraphics.com





From: x3d-bounces at web3d.org [mailto:x3d-bounces at web3d.org] On Behalf Of
"Myeong Won Lee"
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:36 AM
To: x3d at web3d.org; korea-chapter at web3d.org
Subject: [X3D] Web3D Korea Chapter Meeting, September 15, 5:10pm (September
16, 9:10am, Korea)


The agenda items are as follows:


1. 3D Environmental Information System Workshop, COEX Convention Center,
Seoul, Korea, 
    December 14, Tuesday, at 9:30 - 12:30 am, 2010

    - Call for participation


2. Web3D Seoul meeting, Seoul, Korea, COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea,
    December 14, Tuesday, at 2:00 - 5:00 pm, 2010 


3. Web3D Editing Meeting, COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea,
    December 15, Wednesday, 2010


4. Web3D Booth Participation (tentative)

    - Web3D Korea Chapter Brochure

5. New work items proposals update

 1) Units specification (Myeong Won Lee)
     - Real length definition for a UNIT statement

 2) Projective texture mapping (Kwan-Hee Yoo)
 3) Mixed reality visualization (Gun Lee)
 4) CAD translation to X3D (Pranveer Singh Rathore and Soonhung Han)
 5) H-Anim motion data definition (Myeong Won Lee)
 6) Mobile X3D functions (Myeong Won Lee)
 7) Geometric medical data (Kwan Hee Yoo)
 8) X3D Digital Textbook (Kwan Hee Yoo)


6. Scheduling the next Korean chapter meeting  

   October 6, Monday, at 5:10pm PDT (October 7, Tuesday, at 9:10am Korea
  October 13, Monday, at 5:10pm PDT (October 14, Tuesday, at 9:10am Korea

Myeong Won Lee 
Dept. of Internet Information Engineering, U. of Suwon 
Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea 
Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634 
E-mail) mwlee at suwon.ac.kr 



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