[Korea-chapter] [Bod] WG9 Homepage and X3D AR efforts

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Wed Jun 6 17:56:59 PDT 2012

Thanks for the update on current activities, and in-depth discussion
today during the Korea Chapter call, Gerry.

It sounded to me like the points we covered today are consistent
with the points in the email below.  We will try to work towards
collaboration, but indeed have already established collaborative
efforts that are proceeding with the X3D AR group and also the
ISO SC24 Working Group 9 for AR.

We do have multiple AR models for being reconciled for X3D use,
and we are further willing to refine and align with any AR
Reference Model that might emerge from the WG9 collaborative
work.  So this is all positive and mutually reinforcing.

Your time and efforts are much appreciated.  If you think that
further assistance by others might be useful, please do ask.
Good luck on the next steps, including today's ISO meeting of
the Special Committee on Imaging Technology with Ha Jine Kimn.

On 6/4/2012 9:04 AM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> On 1/15/2012 10:33 PM, gjkim wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> The WG9 homepage has been updated.
>> dxp.korea.ac.kr/SC24-WG9
> Relevant reference:
> X3D and Augmented Reality working group efforts
> http://web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/X3D_and_Augmented_Reality
> Gerry, we had a lengthy discussion on the Web3D Board Call today.
> I expect that Nick will likely be tasking us to provide a report
> back to the board on how the recent efforts all connect back to
> our X3D AR efforts.
> On 6/4/2012 8:07 AM, npolys at vt.edu wrote:
>> 1. AR Reference Model (ISO SC24 and ISO SC29 Collaboration) - Update on Meeting with ARS group.
>> AR- References Model/Glossary Work Item already initiated by the ISO SC29 group with a liaison statement to collaborate with SC24 and SDOs. Work already done by the ARS group is available at:
>> http://arstandards.org/pipermail/discussion/2012-May/000375.html
>> Also see attached email from Dr. Gerry Kim to SC24 on Collaborating with SC29.
> As reported to the board today:
> ===============================
> I have several concerns which will hopefully work out satisfactorily
> as we proceed.  These are core Web3D interests.
> As ever, i think that Web3D can be open and supportive about
> collaboration as long as intellectual property rights are
> predeclared as royalty free under all conditions, including
> working-group consideration periods.
> It seemed rather strange that no mention was made of the JTC 1
> decision that SC24 be in charge of AR efforts, and how they
> started up XS24 Working Group 9 to handle it.
> Web3D also needs to be careful that our own AR working group isn't
> overwhelmed or dispersed by this activity.  At the end of the day,
> it is our steady progress on X3D that matters.
> ===============================
> May I please request the following:
> - that we have a meeting at a time compatible with USA that reviews
> 	how these various efforts can work well together
> - ensure that the wiki page is up to date - it indicates that we
> 	have been hoping to have alternating teleconferences every
> 	2 weeks, at times compatible for you and Europe/USA
> - Review of milestones and achievements expected for the Web3D Conference
> 	and SIGGRAPH, especially any member outreach/support topics
> 	and demonstration opportunities
> Prior topic which is likely again ready to be readdressed over the next
> 8 weeks:  whether X3D AR efforts might best proceed as X3D version 3.4
> or whether a new X3D version 4 would be useful.
> Thanks for your leadership, consideration and response.  I am happy to
> talk over the phone if that helps us clarify these issues.  We should
> also post results to the X3D Working Group list to encourage group
> activity.  Looking forward to continued steady progress.

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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