[Korea-chapter] [web3d-announce] Web3D 2019 Conference Highlights - Register Now!

Anita Havele announce at web3d.org
Tue Jul 2 12:26:07 PDT 2019

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*Don’t miss our annual Web3D Conference co-located with SIGGRAPH 2019 in 
Los Angeles, California USA - July 26-28, 2019*

Where Industry and research work related to 3D on the Web is shared and 
discussed by industry experts. Application domains include: Medicine, 
Design printing and scanning, AR/VR/MAR, Cultural Heritage, Military, 
(as well as many others). Learn and share while building the next 
generation 3D Web! *Register Now 



    ·*TALKS*| W. Ed Hammond,
    <http://web3d2019.web3d.org/keynotes/#edhammond> Director, Duke
    Center for Health Informatics. Duke University. Arno Hartholt
    <http://web3d2019.web3d.org/keynotes/#arno> - *Director of Research
    and Development Integration,***
    /Institute for Creative Technologies//-/Expert in virtual humans and
    video game development

  * *TECHNICAL Papers and posters* | Augmented and Virtual Reality |
    Point Clouds & Sensors, Ecosystem Advances.
  * *Tutorials*| Building Dynamic Interactive 3D Scenes: A Cookbook |
    X3D Quickstart and Version 4 Implementations.
  * *Workshops* | 3D Visualization for Medical Applications | Metadata
    and Semantics for Web3D
  * *Competition* | Animated music videos using 3D graphics standards.
  * *Industrial USe CASES* | Practitioners to demonstrate how 3D web
    technologies may be used in industrial applications.
  * *reception* | Sat July 27, 2019, 6-8 pm | Reception: Hotel Indigo,
    Conference Hotel

**/CLICK HERE <http://web3d2019.web3d.org/program-2/>/*//for more details

Web3D Conferences are sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH 
<http://www.siggraph.org/> in co-operation with Web3D Consortium 
<http://www.web3d.org> and Eurographics.



Best regards,
Executive Director
Web3D Consortium www.web3d.org
650 Castro Street, Suite #120-490
Mountain View, California 94041 USA
Email: anita.havele at web3d.org
Phone: +1 248 342 7662

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