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<P>Dear Don and Dick,</P>
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<P>The following are the agenda items for today's Korea chapter meeting, Sep. 30 (Wed) 5:10pm (PST)/ <BR>Oct. 1 (Thu) 9:10am (Korea). Please provide updates if any amendments or additions are noted. <BR> </P>
<P>1. I ask for your understanding as I once again bring up the standardization procedure <BR> concerning the proposals submitted to the ISO SC24 WG6. <BR> I am not referring to the previously submitted NP documents that include units specification and<BR> projective texture mapping. We think it is too late for those since they have already been submitted to the ISO. <BR> However, we hope that future proposals could be processed to be recognized by ISO national bodies. <BR> <BR> We would like to anticipate further defining the standardization procedure for proposals <BR> when submitted by ISO national bodies. The Web3D Consortium procedure mentioned by Don<BR> at the chapter meeting minutes is as follows:</P>
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<P>>- Web3D member submissions to X3D working group <BR>>- Web3D Consortium submission of New Work Item Proposals (NP documents) to ISO <BR>>- Web3D status reports, issued every two weeks as working group minutes or upon request <BR>>- Web3D draft specification submissions to ISO, which occur as committee drafts, final committee drafts, FDIS, etc. <BR>>- ISO ballots of Web3D submissions <BR>>- ISO ballot results regarding Web3D submissions </P>
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<P>In the case of the first proposal submission to the ISO SC24 WG6 by national body delegates,<BR>we would like to suggest that, in addition to the above-mentioned procedures, the following procedures also be considered:</P>
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<P>1) It is preferred that the NP documents be submitted by ISO national bodies.<BR>2) If item (1) is not allowed, then the NP documents should at least mention that the proposals have been submitted by ISO national bodies.<BR>3) Other standardization documents such as WD, CD, FDIS, etc. should mention that the proposals <BR> were initially submitted by ISO national bodies, and then co-worked. </P>
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<P>If not, all delegates sent by national bodies might be discouraged from submitting their proposals <BR>because their achievements won't be recognized by the national bodies.<BR>ISO national bodies and their participants usually consider only formal ISO documents.</P>
<P>Although it may take time to reach an agreement amongst all concerned,<BR>we anticipate that this issue can be resolved. </P>
<P> <BR>2. Web3D Seoul meeting schedule for December </P>
<P> Dec. 7 (Mon) AM: Web3D Korea Chapter Meeting - Proposals discussion (Seoul Palace Hotel)<BR> PM: Web3D Korea Chapter Meeting - Proposals discussion (Seoul Palace Hotel)<BR> Dec. 8 (Tue) AM: Discussion Web3D Working Groups (Seoul Palace Hotel)<BR> PM: Seminar hosted by Prof. Jounghyun Gerard Kim (Korea Univ., Seoul)<BR> Dec. 9 (Wed) AM: Move to Daejon (Daejon) (Yousung Hotel, Daejon)<BR> PM: KAIST hosted by Prof. Soonhung Han (Daejon) <BR> Dec.10 (Thu) AM: KAIST (Daejon)<BR> PM: KAIST or other organization (?) (Yousung Hotel, Daejon) <BR> Dec. 11 (Fri) other organization (?)<BR> <BR> Dec. 12 (Sat) to Seoul (Seoul Palace Hotel)<BR> <BR> Dec. 13 (Sun) from Seoul to Singapore<BR> <BR> <BR>3. Units specification</P>
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<P> - The unit browser will be updated with the "units statements" definition for units.<BR> - My comments were submitted to the X3D WG, and discussed at last week's X3D WG meeting.<BR> <BR>4. Projective texture mapping (Kwan Hee Yoo, Chungbuk National U.) <BR></P>
<P> - Kwan Hee Yoo submitted a projective texture mapping draft to the X3D WG in July<BR> - There were no comments from the X3D WG<BR> - What is the PTM progress? <BR> <BR>5. Mixed reality visualization item progress (Gun Lee, ETRI)</P>
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<P> - Prototype implementation code base decision<BR> - Multiple tracking objects issue => Are there any tracking devices support/nodes in the Web3D standard?</P>
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<P>6. Web3D.org Wiki <BR> <BR> - Problem with uploading pdf (and zip) files</P>
<P><BR>-- <BR>Myeong Won Lee <BR>Dept. of Internet Information Engineering, U. of Suwon <BR>Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea <BR>Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-11-9904-4634 <BR>E-mail) mwlee@suwon.ac.kr <BR></P>
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