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<P>The agenda items are as follows:</P>
<P> </P>
<P>1. New Proposal Formal Numbers issued by the Web3D Consortium </P>
<P>The proposals presented are listed below. The list includes title, presenter's name, first presentation date, place, and current adopted status of standardization. These are ongoing processes for the Web3D Consortium and ISO standards. </P>
<P>NP denotes a new proposal, and PWI a preliminary work item. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>ˇ°Web3d yyyy-n[rn]ˇ±</P>
<P> </P>
<P>[Web3D 2006-1] Units specification (Myeong Won Lee), 2006-6-5, ISO/I EC JTC1 SC24 Meeting, Prague (NP) <BR>[Web3D 2008-1] Projective texture mapping (Kwan-Hee Yoo), 2008-6-25, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24 Meeting, Monterey (NP)<BR>[Web3D 2009-1] Mixed reality visualization (Gun Lee), 2009-7-7, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24 Meeting, London (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2009-2] CAD translation to X3D (Hyokwang Lee and Soonhung Han), 2009-12-7, Web3D Seoul and X3D WG (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2009-3] H-Anim motion data definition (Myeong Won Lee), 2009-12-7, Web3D Seoul and X3D WG (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2009-4] Mobile X3D functions (Myeong Won Lee), 2009-7-7, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24 Meeting, London (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2009-5] Geometric medical data (Kwan Hee Yoo), 2009-12-7, Web3D Seoul (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2009-6] X3D Digital Textbook (Kwan Hee Yoo), 2009-12-7, Web3D Seoul (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2010-1] X3D GPS Interface (Myeong Won Lee), 2010-12-14, Web3D Seoul and X3D WG (PWI)<BR>[Web3D 2010-2] A management system of security devices in 3D virtual space (Kwan-Hee Yoo), 2010-12-14, Web3D Seoul (PWI) <BR>[Web3D 2010-3] A CCTV node for the CCTV control of virtual environment management systems (Hyeon Woo Nam), 2010-12-14, Web3D Seoul (PWI)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>2. Korea Chapter Wiki</P>
<P><A href="http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/Korea_Chapter_Public_Wiki">http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/Korea_Chapter_Public_Wiki</A></P>
<P><A href="http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/Korea_Chapter_Members-Only_Wiki">http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/Korea_Chapter_Members-Only_Wiki</A></P>
<P>Korea Chapter Public Wiki content was added above the Member Wiki. The meetings held previously are listed in both Wikis. Presentation materials from the meetings are only included in the Member Wiki. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>3. AR WG Wiki review</P>
<P>Gun Lee wrote:</P>
<P> </P>
<P>>As we've discussed through previous teleconference meetings, <BR>>I have edited the AR WG Draft Charter on the wiki page: <BR>>http://web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/X3D_and_Augmented_Reality <BR>><BR>>Please have a look and return your comments and suggestions. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>4. New work items proposals update</P>
<P>1) Units specification (Myeong Won Lee)<BR>2) Projective texture mapping (Kwan-Hee Yoo)<BR>3) Mixed reality visualization (Gun Lee)<BR>4) CAD translation to X3D (Hyokwang Lee and Soonhung Han) <BR>5) H-Anim motion data definition (Myeong Won Lee)<BR>6) Mobile X3D functions (Myeong Won Lee)<BR>7) Geometric medical data (Kwan Hee Yoo)<BR>8) X3D Digital Textbook (Kwan Hee Yoo)<BR>9) X3D GPS Interface (Myeong Won Lee) <BR>10) A management system of security devices in 3D virtual space (Kwan-Hee Yoo)<BR>11) A CCTV node for the CCTV control of virtual environment management systems (Hyun Woo Nam) </P>
<P>No new updates.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>5. Web3D Korea Chapter meeting at SIGGRAPH 2011</P>
<P>Date/time: August 11th (Thursday) 2:00 - 5:00pm<BR>Place: A BOF room</P>
<P>In addition to the Korea Chapter meeting, as one of the AR WG activities, we would like to have <BR>an additional separate AR/MR session to discuss several new proposal items. <BR>We are considering two or more new items for AR/MR standardization. Is a time slot for this session available? </P>
<P> </P>
<P>6. Scheduling the next Korea Chapter meetings </P>
<P>June 8, 2011 (2nd Wed) at 5:00pm PDT (Thursday at 9:00am KST): CAD WG<BR>June 15, 2011 (3rd Wed) at 5:00pm PDT (Thursday at 9:00am KST): AR WG<BR>June 22, 2011 (4th Wed) at 5:00pm PDT (Thursday at 9:00am KST): e-Learning WG<BR>July 6, 2011 (1st Wed) at 5:00pm PDT (Thursday at 9:00am KST): Korea Chapter<BR><BR>-- <BR>Myeong Won Lee <BR>Dept. of Internet Information Engineering, U. of Suwon <BR>Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea <BR>Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634 <BR>E-mail) mwlee@suwon.ac.kr <BR></P>
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