<style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="width:100%"> <BR>Dec 19 (Wed) at 17:00-17:30 (US Pacific)<BR><BR>Attendees: Gun Lee, Myeongwon Lee, Richard Puk, Don Brutzman<BR><BR>0. Web3D consortium Wiki page have finished server migration<BR>=> If having any issues with logging in to the wiki, please contact Leonard.<BR><BR>1. Discuss on merged proposal<BR>The draft is up on the google docs, publicly accessible to add comments.<BR>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BXkeaj0RVdoLpj-vBzuVRlpgF7UbQDNtpTCUF5ocQqw/edit<BR><BR>Access for editing the document can be granted by forwarding one's Google account to Gun.<BR><BR>=> Gerry Kim commented that the sensor nodes needs some clarification of its abstraction level, <BR> and might need to add features that deals with high-level events<BR>=> Myeongwon commented that the naming of the sensors need to be revised,<BR> and the separation of each values into nodes seems confusing. <BR> Maybe better to group them based on the actual sensor hardware type?<BR>=> Don's suggestion and comments include:<BR> - To compare with GPS sensor node proposal<BR> - To share these discussion through x3d-public mailing list<BR> - Name of "BackdropBackground" seems redundant, might we simply use "Backdrop" ?<BR> - Better definitions please for fovMode and aspectRatio<BR> - Should also look at HTML5 and see if new video constructs there can be aligned with these<BR> - Better to maintain a list of what is missing from original proposals.<BR> - Probably need a list of open issues and TODO items at the end<BR> - When the Web3D wiki is restored, can we move & transcribe this document over to there?<BR><BR><BR>2. Need to ask for comment from colleagues at Fraunhofer IGD<BR> - Gun will mail the document to them and ask for comments and suggestions.<BR><BR><BR>3. Traveling schedules<BR>Don cannot travel for the Seoul meeting in late January.<BR>Don will ask if Nicholas (or Anita) could attend the meeting.<BR>Decisions are expected to be made by the end of this year.<BR>Don could call in two or three sessions remotely.<BR><BR><BR>4. Next teleconference meeting schedule<BR>Jan 16 Wed 17:00 (US Pacific) / Jan 17 Thu 10:00 (Korea)<BR><BR><BR><BR> ------------ Original Message ------------<BR>From : "Gun A. Lee"<endovert@postech.ac.kr><BR>To : korea-chapter@web3d.org<BR>Mail Subject : [Korea-chapter]_AR WG Teleconference meeting - Dec 19 (Wed) at 5:00pm PDT (Thu Dec 20, 10:00am KST)<BR>Sent : Wed, 19 Dec 2012 12:43:54 +0900<BR> <BR><BR> Dear Web3D Members,<BR><BR>We are having this month's AR WG Teleconference meeting as below:<BR><BR>US Pacific Dec 19 (Wed) at 17:00pm / Korea Dec 20 (Thu) 10:00<BR><BR>Agenda items for this week are:<BR><BR>1. Discuss on merged proposal<BR><BR>2. Next meeting schedule<BR>Jan 16 Wed 17:00 (US Pacific) / Jan 17 Thu 10:00 (Korea)<BR><BR>Thank you! <BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR><BR><BR><BR>Korea-chapter mailing list<BR><BR><BR><BR>Korea-chapter@web3d.org<BR><BR><BR><BR>http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/korea-chapter_web3d.org<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR> </div>
<img src="http://mail.postech.ac.kr/mail/PutAck.jsp?ack_args=c2VudF9maWxlPWVuZG92ZXJ0QHBvc3RlY2guYWMua3IvLlNlbnQvMTM1NTk3NzY2MjgwMi45NDM3Mi5wb3N0ZWNoJnNlbmRfZGF0ZT0yMDEyMTIyMDEzMjc0MiZzdWJqZWN0PU1pbnV0ZXMgLSBBUiBXRyBUZWxlY29uZmVyZW5jZSBtZWV0aW5nIC0gRGVjIDE5IChXZWQpIGF0IDU6MDBwbSBQRFQgKFRodSBEZWMgMjAsIDEwOjAwYW0gS1NUKQ==&to_email=korea-chapter@web3d.org_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" width="1" border="0" height="1">