<style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="width:100%"> US Pacific Feb 20 Wed 17:00-18:30 / Korea Feb 21 Thu 10:00-11:30<BR><BR>Attendees: Don Brutzman, Richard Puk, Myeongwon Lee, Leonard Daly, Nicholas Poly, Anita Havele<BR><BR>Agenda items:<BR><BR>1. Discuss on merged proposal<BR>http://goo.gl/KDbwY<BR>- Review of discussion held at X3D WG Teleconference call (Feb 6, 8am PST)<BR>. v3.4 vs v4.0<BR>. Sensor node structures needed to be compared to other sensor proposals (e.g. Gps)<BR>=> Myeongwon's proposal on physical sensors would be requiring architectural changes hence would be targeting for v4.0<BR>=> The sensor nodes in the AR WG proposal is rather incremental, so we target for v3.4, <BR> and we'll not consider our approach to be inlining with targeting to support generic sensors.<BR><BR>- Tracking and Camera Sensor node comparison to GpsSensor node proposal<BR>http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/X3D_v3.3_Specification_Changes#GpsSensor_node<BR>=> 'purpose' field could be renamed into description or separated out into a META data<BR>=> Changes needed in the abstract <BR>=> GpsSensor should be reviewed as a generic global location sensor rather than specific to GPS technology.<BR>=> The TrackingSensor nodes in AR proposal could be considered as local location sensors<BR>=> We'll collect feedbacks from X3D-Earth WG when the proposal is ready for review on the wiki page.<BR><BR>As a next step, we'll put the proposal on public Wiki and start collecting feedbacks from both Web3D members and public.<BR>- Gun will revise and post the document on the Wiki, the Wiki page will contain periods for public review and method of collecting feedback.<BR>- We'll have another teleconference call on Feb 26 (Tue) 17:00 US Pacific to review this Wiki and decide if it's ready for public review<BR>- Anita and Leonard will prepare for a news item based on the wiki page.<BR>- If the wiki page is ready for public review by the next meeting, Anita will present it at the ARS meeting held from Feb 28 in Barcelona.<BR><BR>One of the next major milestone should be set for the Web3D conference (June 20-22)<BR>Building working examples for proof of concept should be desirable as a next step.<BR><BR><BR>2. Next meeting schedule<BR>Meeting to review the Wiki page with the proposal:<BR>Feb 26 Tue 17:00 (US Pacific) / Feb 27 Wed 10:00 (Korea)<BR><BR>Monthly meeting:<BR>Mar 20 Wed 17:00 (US Pacific) / Mar 21 Thu 10:00 (Korea)<BR><BR><BR><BR> </div>
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