<div style='font-size:10pt;font-family:Dotum;'><style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="font-size:10pt;font-family : Dotum"> <p> </p><p>Due to a request from Joe, the H-Anim WG meeting will be held at the above mentioned date/time.<br>We will skip our regular Wednesday meeting this week.<br> <br>Agenda items are as follows: </p><p> </p><p><strong>1. Joe's comments about skin<br></strong> <br>On March 29, Joe mentioned: <br>---------------------------------------------------<br>I want to make "skin" our #1 effort in this group. One part of this is <br>immediate outreach to other Working Groups and our X3D community to <br>join us in this effort. </p><p>As I say in my messages and in the attachment, making a 'standard' <br>humanoid capable of being "calibrated" meaning able to be precisely <br>sized in human dimensions, along with our existing calibratable <br>skeleton, will provide the complete set of interfaces that make <br>realistic solutions for humanoid applications. </p><p>So, my suggestion is that "skin" is Number 1 and we leave everything <br>else way down in priority until we compose and document this <br>'standard' skin or sets of 'standard' skins. </p><p>Thank You for all your work that has added to Web3D and X3D. My effort <br>is based on my feeling that the entire reason for realtime 3D and X3D <br>is to add humanistic fidelity and interaction to our X3D Humanoid. <br>Further, I think "skin" is by far the most important next step. </p><p>The attachment to the message holds my current thoughts and reasoning <br>to make this shift in our priorities. I am pleased you are free for <br>this call. </p><p>In terms of work, please notice that this proposal would result in no <br>immediate node changes or additons to the HAnim component. Changes to <br>the current HAnim FCD would be mostly limited to updating the various <br>LOA examples by (1) addition of various levels of skin density to the <br>feature point tables and (2) add skin to user code examples and (3) <br>documenting skin vertex with joint and displacer bindings. <br>---------------------------------------------------</p><p>Several work items including skin can be progressed together.<br>We can merge it with other work items.</p><p>Skin examples should provide with the method how to define feature points in relation to <br>not only camera calibration, but also modelling mesh data and motion parameters. <br></p><p><strong>2. William's comments </strong></p><p>On March 18, William mentioned:</p><p>---------------------------------------------------<br>I think understand your position to keep the biological data separate from 'non-biological' human model definitions. <br>We should quantify how much of the known whole human we are choosing to include in the H-Anim specification, <br>even if we have to guess at the quantification of the whole parametric human. <br>I do think we should include the other display modalities (acoustic and haptic) for the limited human model. <br>While animation of humans is focused on the graphical or visual display of macro scale movements, <br>we should consider the benefits and weakness (burdens) of including the associated acoustic (sonic or aural) <br>and haptic (force or tactile) presentation of humans at the macro scale. <br>When I write macro scale, I'm implying there is a meso, micro and nano scale of human movement that one should be able to animate. <br>I haven't read of any thresholds quantifying what is macro, meso, micro and nano scale human definitions for graphical display. <br>But I am willing to guess they would be described as something like the following </p><p>macro scale - bathing, dressing, running, dancing, etc. <br>meso scale - writing, typing, nail cutting, tears forming <br>micro scale - bleeding formation from a tissue level (resolution) scrap or minor cut, seeing lotion absorption as rubbed into <br>skin, seeing a mosquito bite you, etc. <br>nano scale - seeing fertilization , seeing neuron firing from sensation and actuation (motor control signals), etc. </p><p>I realize the scales in time and space are independent and the utility and appeal to create such animations will vary widely <br>(hundreds of views versus tens of millions of views in a year or so; implying each view is by a different IP address or human being). <br>I look forward to scoping our work to a plausible timeline for ISO milestone submissions. <br>I want nothing more than to plan what is doable with low risk of failure and delay. I do believe high risk work items and <br>large work volumes must be decomposed into low risk work items for the sake of managing to realistic expectations of an all-volunteer group like ours. <br>---------------------------------------------------</p><p>In order to consider all the things above for the new work items, we should develop how to define them first.<br>We can and should research and find solutions about all the things, but currently, <br>if we think to develop standards in SC24, our work may focus on the representation and exchange human models and motion. <br>However, if anyone develops other areas such as biology, medicine, or health besides SC24 concerning human models, I think, they can be other topics co-operated with liaison organizations. <br>At this moment, I think, the scope of the NWIP (10 items in the document) is enough for the first stage of new H-Anim, considering SC24's scope. <br></p><p><strong>3. Scheduling next meeting</strong><br> <br>(1st Wed) May 1 at 5:00pm PDT (2nd, 9:00am KST) or<br>(3rd Mon) April 15 at 5:00pm PDT (16th, 9:00am KST)<br></p> </div><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:100%; padding:30 10 10 10'><tr><td style='font-family:Gulim; font-size:12px;'> <style> #signDiv {background-color: #ffffff;} #signDiv BODY{ background-color: #ffffff;} #signDiv BODY, #signDiv TD, #signDiv TH { color: black; font-family: ±¼¸²; font-size: 12px; } #signDiv TD { border: 0px} #signDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:0px} </style> <div id="signDiv" >-- <BR>Myeong Won Lee <BR>Dept. of Information Media, College of IT, U. of Suwon <BR>Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea <BR>Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634 <BR>E-mail) <A href="mailto:mwlee@suwon.ac.kr">mwlee@suwon.ac.kr</A> <BR> </div>
</td><td width='15'></td></tr></table>
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