<style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="width:100%"> <BR>20 Jan (Mon) 5.25-6.15pm Korea / 9.25-10.15am Germany / 12.25-1.15am (00:00) Pacific<BR><BR>Attendees: Gun Lee, Timo Engelke, Don Brutzman, Richard Puk, Myeongwon Lee, Gerard J. Kim, Byounghyun Yoo<BR><BR>Agenda:<BR><BR>1. Introduction<BR>Fraunhofer to soon release iOS instant reality browser.<BR>Looking forward to have technologies used in this release to be reflected to the proposal we're preparing.<BR><BR>2. Call for additional agenda item<BR>- None<BR><BR>3. Review and plan for revising the proposal<BR>http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php?title=AR_Proposal_Public_Review<BR>- Reviewed the current proposal’s background and sensor nodes under the context of browser/device independence, <BR> and acknowledging that the end user might have different setup from whom written the scene. (see the attached slides.)<BR>- Discussed briefly on how Instant Reality deals with the sensor information, separating out the hardware configuration to another setup file.<BR>=> For more detailed discussion at the next teleconference meeting, <BR> Timo will prepare slides to explain more detail on how Instant Reality deals this issue,<BR> and what has to be taken into account further in the current proposal.<BR><BR>4. Review and plan for updating the AR WG Wiki Page<BR>http://web3d.org/wiki/index.php/X3D_and_Augmented_Reality<BR>Deliverables and Timeline needs to be updated<BR><BR>5. Organizational suggestions<BR>- Timo Engelke as a co-chair (taking over Yvonne’s role)<BR> => Timo accepted.<BR> => Gun will talk to Leonard to update the information on the website and also the mailing list for the WG.<BR><BR>6. Schedule for next meeting<BR>19 Feb (Wed) 9am Germany / 12am (00:00) Pacific / 5pm Korea <BR><BR>7. Closing comments<BR>Don suggested to leverage active development in X3DOM group for proceeding the work in AR WG.<BR><BR> </div>
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