<style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="width:100%"> <BR>Mar 19 (Wed) 9-9.50am Germany (1am US Pacific / 5pm Korea)<BR><BR>Attendees: Herbert and Oliver (Bitmanagement), Gun Lee (HIT Lab NZ)<BR><BR>Agenda:<BR><BR>1. Introduction<BR><BR>2. Call for additional agenda item<BR>=> None<BR><BR>3. Review and plan for revising the proposal<BR>http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php?title=AR_Proposal_Public_Review<BR>- Review Timo's slides outlining the platforms in Fraunhofer iGD<BR>https://download.igd.fraunhofer.de/file.php?h=R35713<BR>=> Skipped due to Timo’s absence<BR><BR>- Discuss any revisions needed to the current proposal<BR>=> To make the BackdropBackground node more generic,<BR> Herbert and Oliver proposed adding a field that receives generic "X3DTexture" node so that it could use various textures as a background (e.g. MovieTexture, PixelTexture etc.).<BR>Also, this change could be applied to the Background node, although this might be a bit off from the focus of the AR applications. (Note: Found out after the meeting that it appears the X3D spec already has this as a "TextureBackground" node.)<BR>The current version of the proposal limits this to a url of an image file or an SFImage as a minimum requirement, and also noting the the BackdropBackground node should know the aspect ratio of the source image in order to correctly fill the viewport.<BR>Further investigation would need to verify if the aspect ratio of the image source of a texture could be known by the BackdropBackground node.<BR><BR>Also briefly discussed about merging the two "BackdropBackground" and "ImageBackdropBackground" nodes into one. The original intention of the current version of proposal was to match the node structure of the corresponding (3D) "Background" nodes, however, regarding that there is no "ImageBackground" node in the X3D spec anyway, merging them into one could be reasonable.<BR><BR>Regarding the TrackingSensor node, briefly discussed and explained about idea of the device/technology independence that leaded to the current form of the TrackingSensor node in the proposal. It might be good to add a bit more details in the proposal that how the low level sensor management (e.g. sensor fusion) is taken care by the browser, and the TrackingSensor node only deals the high level concepts. Also, the proposal might need some more details on how the browser automatically or interactively matches each TrackingSensor node and the available hardware/software trackers based on the "description" field of the TrackingSensor node. Also, it should address exceptional cases (e.g multiple node with same purpose).<BR><BR>In terms of allowing the browsers/vendors to extend the list of predefined "description" strings of the TrackingSensor node, changing the type of the "description" field from SFString to MFString could be an option.<BR><BR>CalibratedCameraSensor in the proposal is missing information about the lens distortion. The current proposal left this out to focus on minimum requirements for AR visualisation, but if we could consolidate a simple/common/widely-used factor of lens distortion (e.g. radial distortion) it would be nice to include at least as an optional field.<BR><BR>- Discuss the next steps (implementation, drafting specs, etc.)<BR>=> will discuss in the next meeting<BR><BR><BR>4. Schedule for the next meeting<BR>Tentatively scheduled for 16 Apr (Wed) 9am Germany / 12am US Pacific / 4pm Korea<BR>There is a chance that it will be held one day earlier (Tuesday) or later (Thursday) to get more attendance. Further changes will be noticed through mailing list.<BR><BR><BR><BR>------------ Original Message ------------<BR>From : "Gun A. Lee"<endovert@postech.ac.kr><BR>To : korea-chapter@web3d.org<BR>Mail Subject : [Korea-chapter]_AR WG Teleconference Call - Mar 19 (Wed) 9am Germany / 1am US Pacific / 5pm Korea<BR>Sent : Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:46:54 +0900<BR> <BR><BR> <BR>Dear Web3D Members,<BR><BR>This month's AR WG Teleconference meeting is scheduled as below.<BR><BR>Mar 19 (Wed) 9am Germany / 1am US Pacific / 5pm Korea<BR><BR>Agenda:<BR><BR>1. Introduction<BR><BR>2. Call for additional agenda item<BR><BR>3. Review and plan for revising the proposal<BR>http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php?title=AR_Proposal_Public_Review<BR>- Review Timo's slides outlining the platforms in Fraunhofer iGD<BR>https://download.igd.fraunhofer.de/file.php?h=R35713<BR>- Discuss any revisions needed to the current proposal<BR>- Discuss the next steps (implementation, drafting specs, etc.)<BR><BR>4. Schedule for next meeting<BR>16 Apr (Wed) 9am Germany / 12am US Pacific / 4pm Korea<BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR><BR><BR><BR>Korea-chapter mailing list<BR><BR><BR><BR>Korea-chapter@web3d.org<BR><BR><BR><BR>http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/korea-chapter_web3d.org<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR> </div>
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