<style> #mailBodyContentDiv { font-family : Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica ; background-color: #ffffff;font-size:10pt;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY { background-color: #ffffff;} #mailBodyContentDiv BODY, TD, TH { color: black; font-family: Dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; } #mailBodyContentDiv P { margin: 0px; padding:2px;} </style> <div id="mailBodyContentDiv" style="width:100%"> Dear Web3D Members,<BR><BR>Below is the minutes from the teleconference + f2f Web3D Seoul Workshop<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Gun<BR><BR>==============================================<BR><BR>Feb 27 (Tue) 9-10am Germany /12-1am US Pacific / 5-6pm Korea<BR>Attendees: Gun Lee, Hajine Kim, Gerard Kim, Myeongwon Lee, Don Brutzman, Richard Puk, Kwanhee Yoo, Byunghyun Yoo<BR><BR>Agenda:<BR>1. Introduction<BR><BR>2. Call for additional agenda item<BR><BR>3. Review of AR WG activity<BR>Slides - overview of AR WG activities in 2014 by Gun Lee<BR>https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2IF0w73gyQoVHVfaC1RTW0xd00/view?usp=sharing<BR><BR>Comments:<BR>- Don suggested looking into recently checked in X3DOM WebRTC code on DIS support.<BR>- Don pointed out some of the current browsers having different behaviour of treating fov, <BR> hence the newly proposed properties for Viewpoint node should have null (browser default) value as default.<BR><BR>4. Discussion on future direction of AR WG<BR>- Gerard suggested to review the reference model from SC24 WG9 to make sure the AR WG proposal is inline with the RM.<BR>- Richard asked about plans for developing spec<BR> => Gun responded, WG is focusing on implementing and would come back to writing spec based on the proposal document.<BR> We are trying to have X3DOM based implementation by the first half of this year 2015.<BR><BR>5. Closing<BR>Next meeting: TBA<BR><BR>==============================================<BR><BR> ------------ Original Message ------------<BR>From : "Gun A. Lee"<endovert@postech.ac.kr><BR>To : x3d@web3d.org<BR>Mail Subject : [x3d]_AR WG Teleconference meeting joint with f2f Web3D Seoul Workshop (Feb 27 12am US Pacific / 5pm Korea)<BR>Sent : Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:16:37 +0900<BR> <BR><BR> <BR>Dear Web3D Members,<BR><BR>AR WG will be holding a Teleconference meeting as part of the Web 3D Seoul Workshop face-to-face meeting as below.<BR><BR>Warmest regards,<BR>Gun<BR><BR>==================================================<BR><BR>Feb 27 (Tue) 9am Germany /12am US Pacific / 5pm Korea<BR><BR>Agenda:<BR>1. Introduction<BR><BR>2. Call for additional agenda item<BR><BR>3. Review of AR WG activity<BR><BR>4. Discussion on future direction of AR WG<BR><BR>5. Closing<BR><BR>================================================== </div>
<img src="http://mail.postech.ac.kr/mail/PutAck.jsp?ack_args=c2VudF9maWxlPWVuZG92ZXJ0QHBvc3RlY2guYWMua3IvLlNlbnQvMTQyMjM4Mzk1Nzc0Ny40MzU4MC5wb3N0ZWNoJnNlbmRfZGF0ZT0yMDE1MDEyODAzMzkxNyZzdWJqZWN0PU1pbnV0ZXMgLSBBUiBXRyBUZWxlY29uZmVyZW5jZSBtZWV0aW5nIGpvaW50IHdpdGggZjJmIFdlYjNEIFNlb3VsIFdvcmtzaG9wIChGZWIgMjcgMTJhbSBVUyBQYWNpZmljKQ==&to_email=korea-chapter@web3d.org_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" width="1" border="0" height="1">