[Source] Ant build

Alan Hudson giles at yumetech.com
Thu Dec 2 11:27:33 PST 2010

I've been working on an ant system for Xj3D.  A first cut of this system 
is now checked into Xj3D.  The ant system includes circular dependency 
checking on a package level.  Right now its considered experimental till 
we verify a full release with it.

For the time being the ant and make systems shall be maintained.  Over 
time I would prefer to move to using ant as the only build system.  My 
goal would be to be able to download the source and just type ant build 
to build the complete system.  This would involve having all dependent 
systems such as javacc, junit, jogl, joal etc built into cvs.  Minimum 
acceptable would be this works on at least Windows machines with an 
ideal goal of most major platforms such as Mac and Linux as well.

Feedback welcome on these goals or how they are executed.
Alan Hudson

President Yumetech, Inc.                               www.yumetech.com
206 340 8900 ext 111

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