[Source] troubleshooting Netbeans configuration and Xj3D build_nps.xml under 64-bit Windows 7

Justin Couch justin at vlc.com.au
Mon Dec 12 17:28:23 PST 2011

On 12/12/2011 4:55 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> Wondering if jogamp.org is considered official, and if Xj3D has been
> keeping up with it.  There are no jogl builds available on java.net.
> Key question:  shouldn't aviatrix get compiled against the latest jogl?

There's all sorts of definitions of "latest" JOGL, which is the problem. 
At one point they started a massive non-backwards compatible effort in 
order to deal with OGL 3.x, then that seems to have died and several 
others have sort of come and gone along the way. What AV3D is compiled 
against is the last known good libraries.

I do need to get in and updating AV3D soon. However, my current 
activities are focussed one level lower with the j3d.org codebase and 
some heavy re-engineering there. It's the base of a set of library stack 
changes that will be moving upwards. For example, it only runs with JDK 
1.6 and upwards. Once the low level is updated, then I'll move on to 
AV3D and make similar JDK restrictions, and then finally Xj3D. At least 
for j3d.org and AV3D, major version numbers will be bumped to indicate 
the non-backwards compatible changes.

Chatted about this with Alan and Rex quite a few months ago now and 
we're all happy with the changes. Alan is trying to get Xj3D stabilised 
in order to finish the 2.0 release, and then once that is done, I can 
roll through with the JDK 1.6 builds.  However, that's a mid to long 
term set of changes - at least 6 months away.

Justin Couch                         http://www.vlc.com.au/~justin/
3D Java Graphics Information                    http://www.j3d.org/
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