[Source] Xj3D render error: "Video card incapable of supporting OpenGL ARB_imaging subset. Blend color disabled."

Justin Couch justin at vlc.com.au
Mon Jul 7 18:32:41 PDT 2014

On 8/07/2014 11:13 am, Don Brutzman wrote:

> Am getting the following error on my new windows 7 dell laptop which is
> pretty well loaded and includes NVIDIA Quadro K5100M display adapter.
> "Video card incapable of supporting OpenGL ARB_imaging subset. Blend
> color disabled."
> Wondering:
> - if this is a problem in Xj3D or perhaps the underlying renderer
> Aviatrix3D or even JOGL/JOGAMP?

It's an message thrown out by AV3D indicating what driver level support 
is available from OpenGL. It basically means that parts of the 
Appearance node is not usable. I don't have code immediately to hand to 
check on specifics, but from memory, it means that part of the Material 
node's colour blending with the texture colour will not function 
correctly per the spec.

There's two possible reasons for this - for backwards compatibility we 
only supported basic OpenGL 2.0 and nothing beyond that. Maybe this is a 
newer card that does support GL 2 or earlier and that this extension is 
no longer valid with later releases.  The other option is that it being 
a Quadro card that is designed for CAD work, it doesn't have many of the 
fancy blending options supported in the hardware. In the past we had 
quite a lot of issues with Quadro cards doing stuff like this, so I 
expect that this is the more likely scenario.

> - if there is a java or jogl diagnostic report that we could add as an
> option to testing?

That report is it :)  Basically you'd have to do something at the JOGL 
level to grab all the supported ARB options and look for what is available.

Most modern laptops actually run two video cards - a simple low power 
onboard chipset, and then the high powered one that is only turned on 
when needed. Possibly with the older AV3D code in Xj3D that it doesn't 
do the right thing to trigger the use of the quadro card, and so you're 
getting the builtin driver response. Hard to know without seeing more 
details of the specific setup.

Justin Couch                                 http://www.vlc.com.au/
Java 3D Graphics Information                    http://www.j3d.org/
LinkedIn                     http://au.linkedin.com/in/justincouch/
G+                                                       WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
  Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
  a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
  distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
  frames or one frame for many lights?"      -Subcomandante Marcos

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