[WWW-Vrml] [Consortium] [Ann] The Web goes 3D - Bitmanagement releases ISO Standard Viewer BS Contact 7.2 Web 3D

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Fri May 22 14:09:12 PDT 2009

> I am very proud to announce our latest release of our ISO Standard 
> Viewer BS Contact 7.2. Web 3D.

Great Work, Peter.

Could you add some comment to the X3D working group about what to do 
about MIME types?

At present, the internet group has sort of rejected our use of 
model/x3d+vrml because they say it isn't often done that way.
they say to use a '-' instead to produce model/x3d-vrml.

Right now BS and Octage register model/x3d+vrml

I think we should ask them for forgivness and let web3d go ahead using 

Thank You and Best Regards,

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