[X3D-Public] O3D - Google's 3D JavaScript API

John Carlson john.carlson3 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 22 20:26:39 PDT 2009

I think that Google is trying to spread its JavaScript V8 engine into  
everyone's browser.  Perhaps X3D vendors should pay attention and get  
a faster JavaScript implementation, to compete.  I think that Google  
has interest in getting a fast Google Earth and Sketchup into all  
browsers.  If there's something  lacking in VRML/X3D such that they  
can't support Google Earth and Sketchup in the browsers, then these  
items should be addressed with Google.

On Apr 22, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Doug wrote:

> I just can't understand why Google/Mozilla/Opera/whatever don't just
> build on the OpenVRML or FreeWRL libraries.
> I believe they are both based on OpenGL so presumably portable across
> unix/Win32 and I imagine their licences are intended for it?
> Then the browsers would have instant X3D ability with basically
> no effort on their part.
> I just don't understand their desire to aim at such a low level
> OpenGL interface.
> $0.02
> Doug
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