[X3D-Public] Web3D.org Front Page

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 7 19:31:13 PDT 2009

Hi All,
OK, so now is attached the X3D XML version. Really not hard to convert 
this at all.
As a matter of fact, please look at it in simple text editor without 
auto line wrap to see how simple it is.
Any ideas for further simplification (even obvious ones)?

Now the code for the front page should look like:

<object id='showx3dlogo' class='X3D3Dlogo'
  type='model/x3d+xml' data='x3d_logo7cxml.x3d'
  style='width:176px;height:112px;' title'Welcome to X3D'>
  <param name="src" value="x3d_logo7cxml.x3d">
  <param name="Dashboard" value="false">
    <img src="x3dTag_176x86.png"
     title="GEt X3D player
View X3D Content in real-time" alt="fallback png'>

maybe use em instead of px for height?

Somebody please show me a W3C Browser that coughs on that with no X3D 
player installed, or with any X3D player installed. The last player 
installed/registered for the .x3d files and mime model/x3d+xml will 
run the scene fine. There may be some user permissions involved, but 
the W3C browsers latest efforts are consistent and pleasing for 
handling content mimes using plugins in the object element.

Thanks Again and Best Regards,
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