[X3D-Public] Multiple Materials for Geometry (IndexedFaceSet)

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 01:39:14 PST 2011

Campbell Barton wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently making some updates to blender 2.5'x X3D exporter,
> since we have a diligent user reporting all sorts of bugs.
> One problem I've hit is that it seems there is no way to have
> different materials for one mesh.

Like others said: your only choice is to split a single Blender mesh
into multiple IndexedFaceSet nodes, one IndexedFaceSet for each
Appearance (material, texture settings). This is a limitation of
VRML/X3D, but it also allows for easier and faster rendering.

I just wanted add that Blender's VRML 97 exporter, that I'm using for
years, already does such splitting, and it works mighty fine in my
experience :)


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