[X3D-Public] Announcement: view3dscene 3.8.0

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 20:30:52 PST 2011

Joe D Williams wrote:
> Now, what about HAnim Displacer? I think BSContact was holding up some
> work in order to get some agreement about how to do it. .

view3dscene doesn't support displacers *yet*. But they don't seem too
difficult to implement, reading the spec (
). Displacer simply specifies the positions of chosen skin vertexes,
with "weight" controlling how much to interpolate between original and
displaced position, as far as I understand.

So: throw some nice tests/demos of displacers on me, and I'll implement
them :)

(That's the deal with most of view3dscene features actually :)


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