[X3D-Public] MIDI node was X3D for Web Authors Examples Archive, plus audio test scene of different sound formats

cbullard at hiwaay.net cbullard at hiwaay.net
Wed Dec 11 07:45:39 PST 2013

Someone built one of those in the VRML days.


Quoting doug sanden <highaspirations at hotmail.com>:

>>> We still largely think of MIDI as something related to music because it
>>> proved so useful. But MIDI is so good at synchronizing events  
>>> across complex
>>> software applications and hardware devices, that I believe we have  
>>> only seen
>>> the beginning. When it comes to true 3D virtual life and augmented reality,
>>> I simply cannot imagine these things very far into the future  
>>> without proper
>>> synchronization standards.
>>> I recommend "MIDI Power!" second edition (Thomson 2006) by Robert Guerin
>>> which include the MIDI 1.0 specification and much details. There  
>>> is possibly
>>> more recent work (re. HD-MIDI) but the above is an excellent primer.
>>> Lauren
>>> 3DNetProductions.com
>> Q. could/should there be a special MIDI node? If so what would it  
>> look like / what kind of events would it produce / how would we use  
>> it?
>> Hypotheses
>> H0: there would be 52 boolean eventOuts representing different  
>> piano keys, and a url for the MIDI file.
>> H1: 104 time eventOuts, 2 for each key representing pressed/released time
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI
> H2: just url, play and a new fieldtype MIDI for routing MIDI  
> commands (10bits or use Int32). Then an abstract X3DInstrument node  
> type, with a MIDI input field.
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