[x3d-public] Encrypted Content

Leonard Daly Leonard.Daly at realism.com
Fri Jul 15 11:13:36 PDT 2016

There is a very heated discussion going on in the web-vr list concerning 
the WebVR specification. The browsers companies (at least Google and 
Mozilla) are considering making this capability require that the content 
arrived over HTTPS. This seems (to me) to be part of a much larger push 
to require all content be encrypted.

My point is not to get in a discussion here about the merits of this 
idea, but to provide preliminary notice that all Web3D content is going 
to need to support HTTPS at the same Profile, Component/Level as HTTP 
protocol is supported. It may even be the case that FILE:// won't work 
or will require a configuration setting change in the browser.

*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
X3D Co-Chair on Sabbatical
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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