[x3d-public] Field encoding in X3D XML specs

Yves Piguet yves.piguet at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 15:13:45 PDT 2016


In X3D V3.3 section 5.15 (SFString encoding), one shouldn't mention double quotes, because one could understand that the attribute value should contain double quotes (which would be congruent with other field types) while actually the SFString is stored directly in the attribute value, possibly with XML encoding (entities). XML format specifies that attribute values are single- or double-quoted, but the quotes don't belong to the value, they're syntax bits; they're also required for SFFloat, SFBool etc. whose descriptions don't mention them.

In the second example of 5.15, field "string" of node "Text" is said to be an SFString while it's actually an MFString; it's misleading because if it were really an SFString, the double quotes would presumably be characters in the string, not parts of its encoding.

Also the expression "sequence of UTF-8 octets" seems inappropriate, because the charset is defined at the XML level. Once the XML is parsed, the higher levels see strings of characters (code points in Unicode parlance).


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