[x3d-public] getContainerField() [was cobweb DOM integration]

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 12:47:04 PDT 2016

Hi Roy,

On Oct 10, 2016 10:27 AM, "Roy Walmsley" <roy.walmsley at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Q1 – Usually (always) just one field for a given parent nodetype. I don’t
have an exhaustive answer, but I will give an example. It may be the only
one, not sure. Look at the Collision node, (19775-1, 23.4.2,
Part01/components/navigation.html#Collision. Note that there is a children
field and a proxy field, both of which accept X3DChildNode. In other words,
what can go in one can also go in the other.

This may not be the best example since children is a mfnode and proxy is a
sfnode. So based on the node type of the child it would be still possible
to determine which field is targeted ?

> The Collision node has a containerField attribute with a default value of
“children”. This simply tells us that, unless otherwise specified, it will
go into the children field of its parent node.

The default containerField attribute values are defined in the schema?

I believe what cobweb returns for node.getContainerField() is always the
default value. So the method might be named
node.getDefaultContainerField(). It is then up to the calling code to check
if there is an explicit containerfield attribute which is what in cobweb
the Parser.addNode() method does.

It is good to know that each node has a default value for the
containerfield attribute.

> Similarly, if we look at, for example, MetadataBoolean, it has a
containerField with the default value of “metadata”. So, MetadataBoolean,
unless otherwise specified, will go into the metadata field of the parent

The question would be if MetadataBoolean could go anywhere else than the
metadata field. Likely not.

> Q2 – ExternProto: Hm… good question. My first thought was that there’s
nothing there. But, on reflection, it’s not about the definition using
ExternProtoDeclare, or ProtoDeclare. It’s about where you use it. And that
means ProtoInstance. Look there, and you see that there is an attribute for
containerField, with a default value of “children”. So, if you want the
ProtoInstance in some other field, you need to specify a different value
for containerField.

It looks like 'children' is what cobweb returns for the default
containerField value of ProtoInstances:


Cobweb also should recognize an explicit containerField attribute value for
ProtoInstance elements since they are added to the parent as a field value
in Parser.addNode() just like any other node.

> Q3 – containerField: I think of the parent node as the “container”, and
the “field” is the field that does the containing. And you are right, it is
not a field. It is an XML attribute. It is not required, for example, in
the classic VRML encoding, or the JSON encoding, because the encoding is
such that, for each node, fields have their names explicitly written,
followed by their values. So, for Collision, we would write:
> Collision {
>     children [
>         DEF group1 Group{},
>         DEF group2 Group{}
>     ],
>     proxy [
>         DEF group3 Group {}
>     ]
> }
> But, when it comes to XML, if we write
> <Collision>
>    <Group DEF=”group1”/>
>    <Group DEF=”group2”/>
>    <Group DEF=”group3”/>
> </Collision>
> Then all three Group nodes would be loaded into the children field of the
Collision node, because the default value of the containerField attribute
for Group is “children”. So, to reproduce the VRML encoding we write:
> <Collision>
>    <Group DEF=”group1”/>
>    <Group DEF=”group2”/>
>    <Group DEF=”group3” containerField=”proxy”/>
> </Collision>
> The only way to definitively know which is the default containerField for
any node type is to read it from the schema or DTD.

This is very helpful from the 'horse's mouth' and clarified greatly my
understanding on the role of the containerField attribute. I wonder if the
XML encoding spec. should have a paragraph on the role of the
containerField attribute. Well, the spec. actually has


. The paragraph should perhaps stress more the cases when containerField is
actually useful rather than stress that it is not needed in most cases.

Perhaps there should even be a list of nodes for which the containerField
attribute needs to be explicitly set to a non-default value to ensure the
node is targeting the intended field, ie.of all nodes which can have
multiple targets. This would duplicate some of the schema content in


but the schema is somewhat hard to read (for most?).

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