[x3d-public] Proposal: expressions

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 12 10:26:12 PDT 2016

Hi Yves,
Can you compare these examples with how it would be done using the 
script node in the prototype instead of the 'simple' expression using 
inline maths? Also, can you show the rest of the user code that 
declares and instances the proto and shows any routes?

I remember discussions of using an expression inline in a proto as you 
show to avoid a script, and also even expressions in the main user 
code to avoid some simple scripts and prototypes, and that this step 
has never been seriously considered. Maybe your examples with proto 
could help get some support from a second independent implementation. 
Have you looked at how this would could work in the x3d in html 

Thanks and Best,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yves Piguet" <yves.piguet at gmail.com>
To: "X3D Graphics public mailing list" <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 2:36 AM
Subject: [x3d-public] Proposal: expressions


In prototypes, there is often a need for simple expressions to set 
field values. For instance in a toggle switch, the most obvious type 
for its state is an SFBool which cannot be used directly to change the 
switch position (SFVec3f translation), angle (SFRotation orientation) 
or light (SFNode material). Likewise there is a Switch node where the 
active child is selected with an SFInt32, which provides a lot of 
flexibility but doesn't match directly the most frequent case, a 
boolean value. Currently, the only solution is scripts with node 
references (DEF/USE) or routes (DEF/ROUTE).

I suggest to add expressions as an intermediate possibility between 
scripts and direct IS references. I'll use the Classic notation.

Wherever "IS name" is permitted, the syntax "(expr)" stands for an 
expression which must be evaluated the first time the scene is 
rendered and when the values it refers to change.

For the syntax, instead of JavaScript which quickly becomes verbose 
with "Math." namespace and objects, I propose what follows. This 
should cover the intended applications.

- number, compatible with all X3D scalar numbers: SFFloat, SFInt32, 
- boolean
- string
- node (reference to X3D fields), including null
- 1D array (syntax: [a,b,c,...]; compatible with all array-like X3D 
types (SFVec3f, SFColor, SFMatrix3f etc.) and MF* (including 
MFBoolean, MFString and MFNode), flatten

- arithmetic +-*/% ^ (power), +- also as prefix operators, + also for 
string concatenation
- comparison == != < > <= >=
- logical && ||
- conditional ?:
- same precedence as JS with parenthesized subexpressions

- trig: sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2
- log: log log10 exp
- misc. math: abs round floor ceil sqrt
- logical: xor
- string: tbd (at least conversion from numbers with toFixed(x,n))

- literal numbers and strings with X3D syntax
- true false null (lowercase)
- prototype field names for initializeOnly and inputOutput

Example 1: led with boolean state:

#X3D V3.3 utf8

  inputOutput SFVec3f size 2 2 2
  inputOutput SFColor diffuseColor 0.2 0.2 0.2
  inputOutput SFColor emissiveColor 0 1 0
  inputOutput SFBool state FALSE
] {
  Shape {
    geometry Box {
      size IS size
    appearance Appearance {
      material Material {
        diffuseColor IS diffuseColor
        emissiveColor (state ? emissiveColor : [0, 0, 0])

Led {
  diffuseColor 0.3 0.1 0.1
  emissiveColor 1 0 0
  state TRUE

Example 2: gauge with two cylindric parts and a total height, where 
the ratio of the first part is specified with an SFFloat field 

#X3D V3.3 utf8

PROTO Gauge [
  inputOutput SFFloat height 2
  inputOutput SFFloat radius 1
  inputOutput SFNode appearance1 NULL
  inputOutput SFNode appearance2 NULL
  inputOutput SFFloat value 0.5
] {
  Group {
    children [
      Transform {
        translation ([0, (1 - value) * height / 2, 0])
        children Shape {
          geometry Cylinder {
            radius IS radius
            height (value * height)
          appearance IS appearance1
      Transform {
        translation ([0, -value * height / 2, 0])
        children Shape {
          geometry Cylinder {
            radius IS radius
            height ((1 - value) * height)
          appearance IS appearance2

Gauge {
  appearance1 Appearance {
    material Material {
      diffuseColor 1 0 0
  appearance2 Appearance {
    material Material {
      diffuseColor 0 0.8 0
  value 0.7

Example 3: torsion shaft, a cylinder with different rotations for top 
and bottom with a texture which shows the torsion (requires a 
TextureMatrixTransform node with an arbitrary 2D SFMatrix3f transform 
matrix; url "texture:checkerboard" refers to a 2x2 checkerboard image)

#X3D V3.3 utf8

PROTO TorsionShaft [
  initializeOnly SFFloat radius 1
  inputOutput SFFloat height 2
  initializeOnly SFBool solid TRUE
  initializeOnly SFNode material NULL
  initializeOnly SFFloat textureScale 1
  inputOutput SFFloat bottomRotation 0
  inputOutput SFFloat topRotation 0
] {
  Transform {
    rotation ([0, 1, 0, bottomRotation])
    Shape {
      Appearance {
        ImageTexture {
          url "texture:checkerboard"
        TextureMatrixTransform {
          matrix ([
            textureScale * (bottomRotation - topRotation) / 2 / pi,
            0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1
        material IS material
      Cylinder {
        radius IS radius
        height IS height
        top FALSE
        bottom FALSE
        solid IS solid

TorsionShaft {
  textureScale 4
  bottomRotation 0.1
  topRotation 0.8

All examples have been tested in our experimental implementation. I've 
attached snapshots for examples 2 and 3. Feedback welcome...



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