[x3d-public] Working on X3D Java SAI examples. Results from running code

yottzumm at gmail.com yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 18:01:29 PST 2017

http://coderextreme.net/GoodJava.tar.gz 4MB
http://coderextreme.net/BadJava.tar.gz 58MB

Most of the errors are from string arrays or DEF and other value testing (-‘s in values that are legal—SAI API is wrong).

Fixed filenaming for public classes and folders for packages.  Included node-mkdirp for creating new folders.

I don’t know how long these archives will stay around.  Get them while they are hot.

To duplicate:

$ git clone https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/
link examples folder to X3D resource examples
put any JSON you want in the examples folder
generate Java from JSON
$ sh runjson.sh
Compile Java
$ sh compilejava.sh


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