[x3d-public] Support for specular maps (and more) in view3dscene, and Blender exporter to CommonSurfaceShader

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Mon May 1 02:34:13 PDT 2017

2017-05-01 1:48 GMT+02:00 Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>:
> Very nice. I forked and updated the examples in cors branch to use https and
> a x3dom crossOrigin field for loading the textures with rawgit. As a result
> the examples now are live on these rawgit links:
> https://github.com/andreasplesch/demo-models/blob/cors/common_surface_shader/x3dom/live_links.md
> for example:
> https://rawgit.com/andreasplesch/demo-models/cors/common_surface_shader/x3dom/leaf.html

This is great, this makes them comfortable to view online! I applied
your changes:)

> It is probably worth filing x3dom github issues for identified bugs or
> missing or wrong behaviours.

Probably, but I would prefer to leave it to someone using X3DOM more
intensively than me. All observed lacks seem like known "missing
features" (not bugs that X3DOM developers don't know about). Some
CommonSurfaceShader fields are just not used yet by X3DOM. E.g. the
fact that alphaTexture is missing in X3DOM is known (
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3dom/mailman/message/30904028/ ).

Best regards,

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