[x3d-public] Open discussion on quotes usage for MFString and SFString fields

Roy Walmsley roy.walmsley at ntlworld.com
Wed May 3 10:26:47 PDT 2017



On Wednesday 10th May 2017, at 1500 UTC (0800 PDT, 1100 EDT, 1500 GMT, 1600
BST, 1700 CEST) the X3D working group will hold an open discussion on the
usage of quotation marks in MFString and SFString fields. Anyone interested
is welcome to participate, whether members of the Web3D Consortium or not. 


The discussion is expected to last a maximum of one hour, and will take
place on the Web3D teleconference line. Members of the Web3D Consortium can
locate this information at
http://www.web3d.org/member/teleconference-information. Non-members should
e-mail Roy Walmsley <mailto:roy.walmsley at ntlword.com>  or Don Brutzman
<mailto:brutzman at nps.edu>  for details. The number is a US toll-free number.
It can also be accessed at no cost using Skype from anywhere in the world.


This open meeting was called as follow-on to the lively interchange on this
topic that took place on the X3D public mailing lists at the end of April.


A more detailed agenda will be posted soon.


Roy Walmsley,

X3D WG co-chair.

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