[x3d-public] JSON schema validation errors, X3D geospatial component

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Sun May 7 21:04:26 PDT 2017

Now that content is becoming better formed, there are more validation errors.  Progress of sorts...

Am thinking that many of the errors in the following are incorrect.  The scene is X3D v3.1 but most issues are common to X3D v3.3 as well.  Can you please check and fix, or identify ambiguities/errors?  TIA.

C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\Basic/Geospatial//SquawLOD028.json validation checking with json-schema-validator
--- BEGIN C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Geospatial\SquawLOD028.json---
validation: FAILURE
[ {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "oneOf",
   "message" : "instance failed to match exactly one schema (matched 0 out of 3)",
   "matched" : 0,
   "nrSchemas" : 3,
   "reports" : {
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GD\",\"GDC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GD", "GDC" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/1"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem/1"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"Z10\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"AM\",\"AN\",\"BN\",\"BR\",\"CC\",\"CD\",\"EA\",\"EB\",\"EC\",\"ED\",\"EE\",\"EF\",\"FA\",\"HE\",\"HO\",\"ID\",\"IN\",\"KA\",\"RF\",\"SA\",\"WD\",\"WE\"])",
       "value" : "Z10",
       "enum" : [ "AM", "AN", "BN", "BR", "CC", "CD", "EA", "EB", "EC", "ED", "EE", "EF", "FA", "HE", "HO", "ID", "IN", "KA", "RF", "SA", "WD", "WE" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/additionalItems"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"WGS84\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "WGS84" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1/items/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"S\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "S" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "additionalItems",
       "message" : "schema only allows 1 elements in array but instance has 3 elements",
       "allowed" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "maxItems",
       "message" : "array is too long: must have at most 1 elements but instance has 3 elements",
       "maxItems" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/GeoElevationGrid/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GC\",\"GCC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GC", "GCC" ]
     } ]
}, {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "oneOf",
   "message" : "instance failed to match exactly one schema (matched 0 out of 3)",
   "matched" : 0,
   "nrSchemas" : 3,
   "reports" : {
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GD\",\"GDC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GD", "GDC" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/1"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem/1"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"Z10\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"AM\",\"AN\",\"BN\",\"BR\",\"CC\",\"CD\",\"EA\",\"EB\",\"EC\",\"ED\",\"EE\",\"EF\",\"FA\",\"HE\",\"HO\",\"ID\",\"IN\",\"KA\",\"RF\",\"SA\",\"WD\",\"WE\"])",
       "value" : "Z10",
       "enum" : [ "AM", "AN", "BN", "BR", "CC", "CD", "EA", "EB", "EC", "ED", "EE", "EF", "FA", "HE", "HO", "ID", "IN", "KA", "RF", "SA", "WD", "WE" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/additionalItems"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"WGS84\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "WGS84" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1/items/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"S\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "S" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "additionalItems",
       "message" : "schema only allows 1 elements in array but instance has 3 elements",
       "allowed" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "maxItems",
       "message" : "array is too long: must have at most 1 elements but instance has 3 elements",
       "maxItems" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/-geoOrigin/GeoOrigin/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GC\",\"GCC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GC", "GCC" ]
     } ]
}, {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "oneOf",
   "message" : "instance failed to match exactly one schema (matched 0 out of 3)",
   "matched" : 0,
   "nrSchemas" : 3,
   "reports" : {
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GD\",\"GDC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GD", "GDC" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/items/1"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem/1"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"Z10\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"AM\",\"AN\",\"BN\",\"BR\",\"CC\",\"CD\",\"EA\",\"EB\",\"EC\",\"ED\",\"EE\",\"EF\",\"FA\",\"HE\",\"HO\",\"ID\",\"IN\",\"KA\",\"RF\",\"SA\",\"WD\",\"WE\"])",
       "value" : "Z10",
       "enum" : [ "AM", "AN", "BN", "BR", "CC", "CD", "EA", "EB", "EC", "ED", "EE", "EF", "FA", "HE", "HO", "ID", "IN", "KA", "RF", "SA", "WD", "WE" ]
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/0/additionalItems"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"WGS84\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "WGS84" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/1/items/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem/2"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"N\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"S\"])",
       "value" : "N",
       "enum" : [ "S" ]
     } ],
     "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2" : [ {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "additionalItems",
       "message" : "schema only allows 1 elements in array but instance has 3 elements",
       "allowed" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "maxItems",
       "message" : "array is too long: must have at most 1 elements but instance has 3 elements",
       "maxItems" : 1,
       "found" : 3
     }, {
       "level" : "error",
       "schema" : {
         "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
         "pointer" : "/definitions/@geoSystem/oneOf/2/items/0"
       "instance" : {
         "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/0/GeoLOD/@geoSystem/0"
       "domain" : "validation",
       "keyword" : "enum",
       "message" : "instance value (\"UTM\") not found in enum (possible values: [\"GC\",\"GCC\"])",
       "value" : "UTM",
       "enum" : [ "GC", "GCC" ]
     } ]
} ]
--- END C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\Basic\Geospatial\SquawLOD028.json---

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
-------------- next part --------------
{ "X3D": {
    "JSON schema":"http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json",
    "head": {
        "component": [
        "meta": [
            "@content":"ESRI GeoVRML export subscene of Squaw Valley California USA."
            "@content":"Salvador Bayarri, ESRI"
            "@content":"Don Brutzman"
            "@content":"22 April 2003"
            "@content":"24 January 2016"
            "@content":"X3D geospatial example"
            "@content":"Vrml97ToX3dNist, http://ovrt.nist.gov/v2_x3d.html"
            "@content":"X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit"
            "@content":"07 May 2017"
            "@content":"X3dToJson.xslt, http://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/X3dToJson.html"
            "@content":"X3D JSON encoding: http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php/X3D_JSON_Encoding"
    "Scene": {
          { "GeoLOD":
                { "GeoOrigin":
                { "Shape":
                      { "Appearance":
                            { "Material":
                            { "ImageTexture":
                      { "GeoElevationGrid":
                            { "TextureCoordinate":
                            { "GeoOrigin":

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