[x3d-public] X3DJSAIL documentation: Using X3DJSONLD.java (from sourceforge) to load JSON into DOM and write out as XML

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 18:26:01 PDT 2018

  * Iniitalize Loader
X3DJSONLD loader = new X3DJSONLD();
  * Read a JSON file Nashorn.json into a JsonObject
javax.json.JsonObject jsobj = loader.readJsonFile(new java.io.File("Nashorn.json"));
  *Convert JsonObject to XML DOM Document
Document document = loader.loadJsonIntoDocument(jsobj);
  * Initialize X3DJSAIL DOM Loader
org.web3d.x3d.jsail.X3DLoaderObject xmlLoader = new X3DLoaderObject();
  * Load DOM  into X3DObject
X3DObject X3D0 = (X3DObject)xmlLoader.toX3dObjectTree(document);
  *  Do X3D-like things  with X3D0, validate etc.
 * Write out X3DObject as XML file Nashorh.x3d
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