[x3d-public] [x3dom/x3dom] Best approach to visualize of dimensions (PMI data) (#913)

vmarchetti at kshell.com vmarchetti at kshell.com
Fri Dec 21 03:56:30 PST 2018

The PMI -- dimensions and tolerancing information -- displayed in the NIST example were created with the NIST STEP File Analyzer ( https://www.nist.gov/services-resources/software/step-file-analyzer-and-viewer ) using the graphical PMI as exported into a STEP file by the CAD system used to create the model. The PMI in the X3DOM is rendered as 2D line segments drawing out the text and symbols.

This inclusion of annotations , callouts, and PMI in CAD -- and for other domain areas -- is an active field of interest and development by the Web3D Consortium's Design Printing and Scanning Group ( http://www.web3d.org/working-groups/design-printing-and-scanning ). We have identified some promising techniques support in X3D/X3DOM

-- draw the annotation as line segments (the X3D LineSet node), as used in the NIST example
-- render using the Text node - drawing 2D text -- and other 2D graphics primitives.
-- Draw the PMI on a 2D bitmap format supported for textures (for example, png), then use that image as a texture (ImageTexture node) on an otherwise transparent shape, allowing the PMI graphics to float in 3D space

The members of the Design Printing and Scanning group operate a members mailing list, conduct weekly teleconferences, and participate in standards development groups to further this development. We would be interested in learning more about your work.

Vince Marchetti
Web3D Consortium
email: vmarchetti at kshell.com

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> From: theveloped <notifications at github.com <mailto:notifications at github.com>>
> Date: Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 5:40 AM
> Subject: [x3dom/x3dom] Best approach to visualize of dimensions (PMI data) (#913)
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> Does anyone have any experience with the visualization of model dimensions and other model-related information in an x3dom instance? For our final solution, we would like to show all the PMI data of an object as per the examples of NIST: https://pages.nist.gov/CAD-PMI-Testing/graphical-pmi-viewer.html <https://pages.nist.gov/CAD-PMI-Testing/graphical-pmi-viewer.html>
> To get started we would like to show the three dimensions of the bounding box in a using leaders aligned to the bounding box:
>  <https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1df1afb03290cc8087a2b1791c90c9b712692d90/68747470733a2f2f69302e77702e636f6d2f7777772e6e6569742e6564752f626c6f672f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031352f30392f49736f2d372e6a7067>
> Idealy of the the 12 edges of the bounding box we would constantly show the 3 perpendicular edges that are best visible.
> Any idea's on the subject are most welcome. At the moment we are mainly looking at:
> NIST PMI examples <https://pages.nist.gov/CAD-PMI-Testing/graphical-pmi-viewer.html>(no info on the generation of the x3d)
> cadjs <https://github.com/ghemingway/cad.js/tree/master> (uses threejs over x3dom)
> For reference the bounding box dimensions/position of an x3d element can be computed using the is currently computed using:
> compute_boundingbox: function(part) {
>         var node = part._x3domNode
>         var volume = node.getVolume();
>         var min = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f();
>         var max = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f();
>         volume.getBounds(min, max);
>         var dimensions = max.subtract(min);
>         var position = volume.center
>         console.log("Dimensions: " + dimensions.x + " " + dimensions.y + " " + dimensions.z);
>         console.log("Position: " + position.x + " " + position.y + " " + position.z);
>     },
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> -- 
> Andreas Plesch
> Waltham, MA 02453
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