[x3d-public] X3D python language binding, pyjnius validation

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Wed Apr 3 10:17:06 PDT 2019

Hi John.  Status report.

a. am able to build on primary Windows 10 box,
b. still grappling with Visual Studio bug related to on Windows XP box,
c. have added build targets for X3D examples archives: clean.python and processScenes.python which work on first box,
d. .py generation works (see attached) but running self-validation of the two .py files still has problems.

Am getting a lot of these errors.  Do you have a bidirectional python-to-java mapping for x3djsail CommentsBlock when comments are encountered?

create python:
node xml2all.js C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization//TextureBackgroundCube.x3d
TextureBackgroundCube.py produced from TextureBackgroundCube.x3d
test python:
Loading and running TextureBackgroundCube.py program, if successful then saving as round-trip .x3d version:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization//TextureBackgroundCube.py", line 5, in <module>
     from X3Dautoclass import *
   File "C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\stylesheets\java\src\python\pyjnius\X3Dautoclass.py", line 2, in <module>
     CommentsBlock = autoclass('org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Core.CommentsBlock')
   File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\jnius\reflect.py", line 159, in autoclass
     c = find_javaclass(clsname)
   File "jnius\jnius_export_func.pxi", line 26, in jnius.find_javaclass
jnius.JavaException: Class not found b'org/web3d/x3d/jsail/Core/CommentsBlock'
Result: 1

In addition to example-project build.xml files, am also working with the pyjnius subdirectory build.xml still, but standing clear of your .py and .js files.

TIA for continuing insights and improvements.

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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