[x3d-public] Requirement for v4. one X3D element per Frame

Leonard Daly Leonard.Daly at realism.com
Fri Feb 1 11:42:24 PST 2019


> Are there other ways of seeing this? The use case is showing a 
> scenegraph 4 times, twice as X3DOM, twice as X_ITE, twice as JS/DOM 
> and twice as XML, trying to script various elements in scene.

There would be a problem having more than one possible interpreter for 
X3D. Each interpreter would try to interpret the same code without 
knowing that the other one was running. This is independent of any 
duplication of tag 'id' attributes. You could have each interpreter only 
look for code inside a unique (to them) tag. For example




Though this seems awkward and kludgy.

Each X#D viewer application may choose (or not) to support multiple 
instances per page. That would be more a matter of handling their own 
internal data stores.

Note that for augmented reality applications using the ImmersiveWeb 
specification, the browser will enforce that the application runs 
full-screen. If these are loaded as iFrames, then the necessary 
permissions will need to be granted to the iFrame in order for that 
application to display.

Leonard Daly

> Can someone see a fault in this?  Should I start porting my code over 
> to this to see any difficulties?  I know IFrames are difficult, but I 
> think we should show our multicanvas apps with multiframes.
> Almost bedtime.
> John
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*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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