[x3d-public] beyond Blinn-Phong: PBR

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 12:21:00 PST 2019

Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com> wrote:
> For glTF inline support, PBR shading will be required. The glTF spec. has an example implementation for PBR but for anybody who wants to dive in more, there is the free
> http://www.pbr-book.org
> It seems somewhat artificially inflated and is based on ray tracing but explains the foundational PBR concepts in depth, and in code.
> I just wanted to share that resource but will point out that x3dom will have a PhysicalMaterial node and an EnvironmentLight node which are used by the glTF loader.

Cool! I also want to define PhysicalMaterial and EnvironmentLight in
Castle Game Engine, for interoperability with glTF. It will be good to
converge on a single specification for these nodes, and eventually add
it to the X3D 4 specification :) We have the same goals (achieve PBR
in X3D, and achieve it in a way that makes glTF 2.0 -> X3D conversion
straightforward), so I'm sure this will be possible.

I don't have an exact specification yet (my rough ideas are on
, this page collects thoughts and info from our talks on x3d-public :)


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