[x3d-public] Anchor target within scene: code example

Albert Jan Wonnink awonnink at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 26 00:53:40 PST 2019

Hi Joe, Thank you for your answer.

This point is a result of an attempt to see the 3d web as a natural extension of the 2d web, with an experimental browser for XR in mind. So one of my considerations has been how a common feature like an (I)Frame could have a similar functionality in 3D. One can extend the rectangle of the frame to a block in 3D. But in 3D it doesn't seem to make sense to disallow mixing the visual content of this block with content of the main scene (like we do for 2d). But otherwise the described functionality would be exactly similar to what we have for Html.

Of course anything can be done using JavaScript, but in my opinion such a common feature should mimic how it is done in Html, and be specified using only meta tags and their attributes. Maybe I don't understand it completely, but I think your first example can't be use to load different models from the server in the same node, can it? The X3D parser currently already checks whether an (I)Frame is specified as target for the anchor when the X3D is used within a 2D page. In my opinion this can be easily extended for checking '(I)Frames' in the 3D scene.

This could be 'normal' anchor behavior. You make a valid point that an anchor in 3D should also have a default visual feedback, for example something like the mouse over behavior in 2D on a link. I don't think something like this is defined in X3D, is it? And I would surely appreciate CSS possibilities :)


Albert Jan Wonnink

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