[x3d-public] X3D agenda 6 SEP 2019: overview diagram review, ISO meeting highlights, API progress, field name changes

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Wed Sep 4 13:19:30 PDT 2019

Thanks everyone for patience while Dick and I traveled to Takamatsu Japan all last week for annual ISO standards committee SC24 meeting.

Our next X3D Working Group meeting is this Friday 6 SEP, 08-0930 pacific.  (Connection information below.)

Recent meeting minutes:

* [x3d-public] X3D Working Group minutes 16 AUG 2019: PointProperties/PointSet, IIIF 3D, glTF, ISO preps

* [x3d-public] X3D Working Group minutes 21 AUG 2019: glTF X3D specification Plan Of Action Milestones (POAM)



0. Progress and problem reports.  What else is new?!  8)


1. Takamatsu meeting quicklook.

- Humanoid Animation (HAnim) approvals by ISO,
- Medical progress: representing human organs using HAnim,
- Smart Cities opportunities,
- ISO requested to go open on Mixed Augmented Reality (MAR) specifications


2. Standards Relationships diagram - proposed update review, see attached comparison.

Just refinements, no major changes.  Flipping in full-screen mode makes differences easy to compare.


3. *glTF X3D Features Comparison*. Would anyone like to lead this review update?

> * Attachment [3]: glTF X3D Features Comparison (3 NOV 2017)
>    https://www.web3d.org/sites/default/files/page/X3D%20Version%204%20Strategy/glTfX3dFeaturesComparison.pdf
> * source at
>    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12ebxqfQoFPuNhaz8wZkNE6G-w_bqt98iy6p5F9IazVM/edit#gid=0


4. *X3Dv4 topics*

	X3Dv4 Implementations Status

a. /API Progress Review/ with special thanks to Masaki Aono and Myeong Won Lee.

	Python X3D Package x3d.py

	[x3d-public] testing x3d python jupyter notebook; first-round python viewer

	[x3d-public] ANNOUNCE: X3D SAI Libraries for C, C++, C# (X3DCSAIL, X3DCPPSAIL, X3DCSSAIL)

It looks like all of these X3D APIs can/will align together, along with Java implementation (maybe ECMAScript too) through concerted use of

	X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM)


b. /Field name changes/ for improved consistency, affects child SF/MFNode field naming for ~10 nodes.

	Potential future changes for improved consistency of field names


5. *Getting Connected*

Recently Web3D meetings have switched to Zoom channels, to good effect.  Zoom allows use of internet audio, screen sharing, and chat with links.

We meet regularly on Fridays 0800-0930 pacific.  Connection information is available for members on the following page.

	Web3D Members: Teleconference Information

The X3D Graphics Working Group addresses all X3D specification issues and coordinates the technical development of future improvements.

Each week we report out both public and member-only information - membership has value.  To become a Web3D Consortium member:
	Join the Web3D Consortium


Steady progress, "steady as she goes..."  Have fun with X3D!  8)

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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