[x3d-public] 21 JAN 2020: X3Dv4 PBR review

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 14:26:15 PST 2020

> We will soon create a set of conversion examples in X3D using his tool as baseline, checking these into the X3D Example Archives.
>         glTF-Sample-Models
>         https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models

Note that most sample models there do not contain any light sources.
(Instead they rely on glTF viewer setting up some default lighting.)

Examples with lights:

- For punctual lights (point, spot, directional, defined in

    It's easy to create your own example, since Blender can export
such lights. I made example in CGE demo-models,
. The test_lights.gltf inside is a glTF JSON and contains lights.

- For image-based lighting (defined in

    Example is in


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