[x3d-public] X3D agenda 24 JAN 2020

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Fri Jan 24 05:15:15 PST 2020

1.* General Topics*

a. Web3D 2020 Conference updates

b. Releases

- view3dscene converter

- Xj3D NPS branch upgraded to Java 13 and moved to

c. HelloGermany.x3d

d. HelloWorldMinimal.x3d posted to WikiBooks
e. Other news


2. *Validation:* much work on tools, all succeeding to match technical dialog to date.  Summary noted here, continues to track group decisions on X3Dv4.  Discussion welcome if any of these many details are unclear.


18 JAN 2020, brutzman
- Relaxation of some name constraints from NMTOKEN to SFString for meta, Metadata nodes,
   CAD nodes. Did not change xs:NMTOKEN to xs:token, keeping exact match with DOCTYPE.
   No change needed in DOCTYPE, already matched these conventions.
- fix content model for GeoOrigin (which is X3DNode, not X3DChildNode) as initial
   element after metadata field.  Improved regularity enabled X3D-Tidy fix for
   ordering of child nodes.
- (v4.0) add visible field to X3DBoundedObject, Mantis 1271
   https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view.php?id=1271 (no longer named 'hidden')
- (v3.2+) CollisionCollection implements X3DChildNode, not X3DNode
- (v4.0) CollisionCollection contains nodes with X3DBoundedObject interfaces, so
   TODO CollisionCollection needs to be marked in specification as X3DBoundedObject as well.
- TODO (v4.0) PointSet, LineSet, IndexedLineSet implement X3DComposedGeometryNode
   similar to other geometry nodes, allowing Normal and texture coordinate children
- TODO Consider StaticGroup implement X3DGroupingNode

Discussion on the TODO items above will be helpful for continuing progress.


3. *Mantis issues:* ongoing progress reported on mail list.  Specific issues for today:

a. Dick and Don have begun the "minor" comments which are mostly HTML clarifications/cleanups in the specification.  We continue to meet 1-2 times weekly to address the backlog of pending comments.

    [x3d-public] X3Dv4 mantis issue resolutions

Updated X3Dv4 specification available at

Of note: issues that are fixed and committed to specification HTML source on github are marked "resolved" pending final group review of all completed issues together.  Meanwhile further review is welcome and comments will be addressed.

Mantis workflow process flowcharts and description of terminology definitions (prepared thanks to Roy Walmsley) are found at

* https://www.web3d.org/member/mantis-workflow
* https://www.web3d.org/member/mantis-definitions
* https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view_all_bug_page.php


b. During terminology review for a related ISO specification, we noticed that the term 'model' is not included in our X3D Architecture glossary.

Several definitions are included in Mantis issue 1278, further suggestions welcome.

* https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/glossary.html
* https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view.php?id=1278


c. Mantis 1277: Provide field on X3DBoundedObject nodes to display bounding boxes.

Further discussion on Thursday's Design Printing Scanning (DPS) Working Group call summarized and added to issue, repeated publicly on the mailing list thread.

* [x3d-public] candidate feature: display bounding box

Since there are multiple implementations already in existence that handle bounding box display efficiently, it would be helpful to focus any discussion on usability issues.
- bounding boxes can assist in navigation, selection, and displaying state
- facilitating author use of bounding boxes for users in X3D is helpful
- since bounding box display is complementary to bounded object visibility, now is appropriate time to consider it.

Suggested prose to bash on follows.  (Incidentally it does not mandate how a browser might efficiently execute this task.)

"When showBBox is true, a wireframe bounding box is displayed for the associated geometry."


Have fun with X3D!  8)

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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