[x3d-public] What’s important for me to work on? Any showstoppers?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 20:23:11 PST 2021

What would there be for me to work on to make the widest positive impact for the time I have left?

I have several ideas:

* HAnim examples for LOA4

* HAnim animation examples

* HAnim skinning

* IOR/dispersion PBR, Iridescent Olive glTF example.

* Blender 3.0 export

* Conformance testing for Particle Systems and Emitters,  RangeEmitter.

* Force-directed graph example.   D3-3D

* Multiuser X3D
I would guess I have a 1-3 weeks of scattered work left in me.

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