[x3d-public] Difficult bug in X3DJSONLD, files by Andreas and myself show same problem as index.html, perhaps

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 10:36:19 PDT 2021

This is the error that was causing the problem. I tried to fix it, but I 
can't, yet.


>>>     But there are is also this error in the console
>>>     [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a
>>>     status of 404 () (index.js, line 0)
>>>     https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/node/ajv-i18n/localize/de-de/index.js
>>>     <https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/node/ajv-i18n/localize/de-de/index.js>
>>>     Holger
>>>>     Am 04.06.2021 um 12:43 schrieb John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com
>>>>     <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>>:
>>>>     I'm trying to get these working:
>>>>     https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/AP_minimal_JSLD.html
>>>>     <https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/AP_minimal_JSLD.html>
>>>>     https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/AP_minimal_JSLD.xhtml
>>>>     <https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/AP_minimal_JSLD.xhtml>
>>>>     This may provide some guidance:
>>>>     https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/APjsonImport.xhtml
>>>>     <https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/APjsonImport.xhtml>
>>>>     or at least somewhat easy selection of files, and both X3DOM
>>>>     (works) and X_ITE (fails). (Feel free to reduce number of files
>>>>     in <select>)
>>>>     I realize I could probably use older versions of X_ITE, but I'm
>>>>     more interested in possible current features I'm missing.
>>>>     I am not having issues with Inline with *.json files, as far as
>>>>     I can tell, mostly just index.html
>>>>     Repository is below, master branch.
>>>>     https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/
>>>>     <https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/>
>>>>     Thanks for any basic assistance you have.
>>>>     It's highly likely I may have problems with the JSON schema.
>>>>     I will now look at X_ITE documentation.
>>>>     John
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