[x3d-public] HAnim hand model improvements, small geometry improvements needed

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 16 15:47:50 PDT 2021

John, Looks fine, 
except for the is mismatch note(s). If useful, first, what xyz is mismatched? 
Maybe for model spine that is curved, you gonna call out every deviation from some x or y or z? 
Tell me that the wrist is closer to the hip on one side or another.
This is skeleton space and it only matters relative to other joints or skin points, or what?
Lost cause, useless unless we really do some detailed analysis but even then probably not useful because you can immediately see what you have done right on the  screen anyway.
So, please drop those notes unless further explained and  useful.
Otherwise this is great.
Now, use these tables to add data to the schema and then check the archived current “specification” V2 LOA3 and tell me first, what is missing to make it into fully legal V2 LOA3. 
Next, what will it take to make it into fully legal V2 LOA4? 
Yes here are missing site values in the current v2 loa3.
 And missing joint and site values when we build  v2 loa4 from v2 loa3. 
Right now I am working on the left hand user code for v2 loa3  invizible shown in another note to this list.  

rom: Don Brutzman
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:47 AM
To: Joseph D Williams; John Carlson
Cc: Humanoid Animation (HAnim) Working Group; X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: Re: HAnim hand model improvements, small geometry improvements needed


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