[x3d-public] HAnim2: X3DUOM to LOA[0-4] Humanoid example

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 17:32:09 PDT 2021

If no one else is pursuing this, I will begin X3DUOM to LOA[0-4] 
Humanoid examples generation.


As we pursue the various X3D standards, it appears like the ISO standard 
is becoming a second or third step after the X3D XML schema, X3DUOM, etc.

I agree with this approach, so I think I should write code to support 
it, and move HAnim examples up the food chain from ISO standard to X3DUOM.

I am more familiar with X3DUOM than X3D XML schema.

One question:  is the HAnim skeleton hierarchy present in X3DUOM?

I am not setting any deadlines at this point.



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