[x3d-public] Ajv JSON schema validation. note that HAnim files NOT in right places, probably old copies

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 16:59:19 PDT 2021

Here are the results from Ajv JSON schema validation on archives/JSON zip

These are the files failing schema validation.

Note that the HAnim files are not in the right position (They shouldn't 
be under Basic), so my guess is they are a bit old...indeed not X3Dv4, 
for example.

I would like a report on recent conversions of RigidBodyPhysics.   These 
JSON files are dated April 2018.  X3D files are dated January 18th, so 
we should update the JSON zip.

I will run X3DJSONLD/src/main/shell/donall.sh to update the JSON files, 
and report back when the JSON files are updated.  This should take a day 
or more, I would guess (unless my Linux box is so blazingly faster than 
windows 10, that it zips right through them).  The JSON conversion 
appears to be first in the program, so we've got a chance that the files 
will be ready after I take a break!

Please update the JSON zip found on the X3D Resources page to get rid of 
spurious HAnim JSON files.

If you like, I will look for the ant script target which builds the JSON zip



$ grep "^ file" results.txt |sort -u

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