[x3d-public] Limit to # of chained sensors?

Holger Seelig holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Wed Aug 23 01:39:21 PDT 2023

I think there is logic bug in your code, if all browsers do the same. If I look below in your code, what you have posted here, I see that you use cycleTime to connect to startTime, but cycleTime will be generated an event at the beginning of each cycle, even for the first cycle.

>A cycleTime event is generated at the beginning of every cycle, including the cycle starting at startTime.

This mean in turn you will start all TimeSensors at once.

Best regards,

Holger Seelig
Leipzig, Germany

holger.seelig at yahoo.de

> Am 23.08.2023 um 04:23 schrieb John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>:
> Also X3DOM does 4-5 TimeSensors in a row.  I can start in the middle, and it does another set.  Just 2 sets.
> Weird.
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 7:42 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> This appears to be of more general interest, so I am forwarding to others.
>> I am trying dead simple animation chaining, with one time sensor chaining into another...nothing really complex yet, though I've tried ScalarInterpolators, BooleanSequencers, event utilities, etc.
>> Even simpler would be setting startTime and stopTime directly in the TimeSensors.  Should I do that?
>> Is this the right approach, or should I attempt something more difficult with event utilities that people keep talking about?
>> Browsers of interest: FreeWRL, view3dscene, X_ITE all do 4-5 animations, not the whole cycle.  Is there a limit in the standard? That would be likely?
>> There are no loops yet, so only 1 TimeSensor should be running once you activate the Everything_Touch TouchSensor.
>> Thanks!
>> John
>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Michalis, Joe,
>>> Is there a limit to the number of chained animations in view3dscene?, say I have 11 TimeSensors with 11 animations, running one after the other? I'm only seeing 4-5 active at a time.  This is important, because I have 4 characters.
>>> I've been messing with the Animations panel, to see what's possible.
>>> I'm guessing I should have a single TimeSensor, that sends to a ScalarInterpolator, but this is dead simple animation. It looks like only 4-5 can be active at a time. Is there a better architecture I can use? 
>>> Here's the essentials:
>>> $ cat takes.Lily.t*
>>> DEF Lily_Stand010Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 2.6999999999999997 loop FALSE enabled TRUE startTime 1 } # 2.6999999999999997 - 0
>>> DEF Lily_Stand011Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 0.6000000000000001 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 3.3 - 2.6999999999999997
>>> DEF Lily_Stand012Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.45 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 6.75 - 3.3
>>> DEF Lily_Run013Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 6.300000000000001 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 13.05 - 6.75
>>> DEF Lily_Turn014Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.4499999999999993 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 16.5 - 13.05
>>> DEF Lily_Walk015Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 2.3999999999999986 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 18.9 - 16.5
>>> DEF Lily_Walk016Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 21.9 - 18.9
>>> DEF Lily_Skip017Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.6000000000000014 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 25.5 - 21.9
>>> DEF Lily_Stand018Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 1.5 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 27 - 25.5
>>> DEF Lily_Stand019Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 30 - 27
>>> DEF Lily_Stand0110Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 0 loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 0 - 30
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand010Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand011Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand012Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Run013Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Turn014Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Walk015Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Walk016Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Skip017Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand018Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand019Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand0110Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand010Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand011Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand011Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand012Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand012Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Run013Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Run013Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Turn014Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Turn014Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Walk015Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Walk015Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Walk016Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Walk016Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Skip017Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Skip017Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand018Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand018Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand019Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand019Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand0110Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand0110Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand010Timer.startTime
>>> Pulling my hair out,
>>> John
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