[x3d-public] ECMAScript/TypeScript SAI Plans

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 22:27:44 PDT 2023

I plan for TESAI (TypeScript/ECMAScript) SAI class hierarchy to have the
following features:

Importer/Exporter interface pattern.  Pass a JSON snippet to Importer, then
pass Importer to scenegraph constructors, breaking up the JSON into smaller
and smaller pieces.   This should allow for any Importer: XML, JSON, VRML,
etc.  JSONImporter will be the first implementation.

Also an Exporter can be passed to scenegraph export methods.  An OpenUSD
Exporter is planned.



This doesn’t mean I will ignore SAI X3D creation methods.  In particular,
JS scenegraph construction methods in X_ITE and X3DOM will likely be
supported.  createX3D…. and import…

This should be fun, and provide adequate encapsulation.

Your thoughts are welcom.
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