[x3d-public] JSON for SAI: X3DJSONLD -> X3DJSONLS?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 01:56:56 PST 2023

Do we need validators beyond DOM and SAI?   If we don’t support validating
DOM, how can we be confident that some strange XML isn’t being introduced?
Likewise, with SAI and strange scenegraph.   Yes, X3D is extensible.   How
is VRML validation being done?   Can we tell encoding developers to “target
SAI,”  “target DOM/XML Schema,” “target VRML” or “target JSON Schema”?   If
I translate from JSON to SAI, do i need to validate the JSON?

Errors can be introduced at any level.  I would encourage to validate at
every level if you can afford it.

Should there be an “X3D virtual machine” that is upgradable?   That is, we
don’t have to revalidate Java bytecode unless the signed jar is tampered
with.  Why should we have to revalidate XML, JSON, VRML and other X3D

Good question?   I know that Don has java bytecode for his examples.   I
would highly encourage you to use a verified binding and  verified
encoding.  We have a verified binding since we convert XML and JSON to Java
encoding and then to Java bytecode.

Does anyone know of a better solution than verified and signed Java
bytecode?   Should we only be supporting languages that can be compiled to
verified and signed bytecode?   I’m not seeing that in
C/C++/JavaScript/Python (anyone know?).  Is WASM signed and verified?


I don’t have a lot of experience with Microsoft products…


On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 12:34 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> What do people think about a program that would take JSON file and load it
> into an SAI scene?
> Would this be more useful than loading JSON into a DOM document?
> Would the program be called X3DJSONLS (load scene)?
> I’m thinking we may lose a few things like DOM validation, so we would
> rely on SAI validation (which should be generated from X3DUOM—separately).
> Which browsers support SAI?
> Please realize with X3DJSONLD.js, I was trying to include both X3DOM
> (deprecated, stunted SAI) and X_ITE.
> Can someone review X3DJSONLD.js and “document” references and provide a
> porting guide from DOM to SAI?  Even better, provide a parallel
> X3DJSONLS.js for SAI?
> Is there an equivalent to element.setAttribute in SAI?
> Thanks!
> John
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