[x3d-public] view3dscene controls and displays

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 21 12:32:42 PDT 2023

Hey, Thanks, view3dscene is working better all the time but some simple convenience factors for x3d are well, missing.

For example, in the View, Status and Toolbar, the Camera pos and dir are given. 
The pos (position) is given in correct units but the dir is given as x y z (Euler?) angles.  
Please at least give an option to read dir the as ori (orientation) since x3d does not deal in those x y z units. So at least an option to present axis-angle or even unit quaternions is needed. This would make the “Camera” display useful for x3d authoring and so I really would like to read that camera position (in current coordinate space) and orientation in axis-angle directly. And, under Navigation this view feature is given as Viewpoint. 

In File Reopen, it appears to do just that, reopen (or rerun) the same file it has last loaded, not go out and  get a new version of the file and reload that. Sorry, I misinterpreted a couple of times before I figured it out and just used Open again to reload and run the file. I can’t think of a time that there was some kind of problem where I  just wanted to rerun what is in memory, especially since you have given good animation timing controls. Most times just want to fix the input and reload the thing.

In View, Phong Shading on Everything as default makes stuff look a lot different than routine. 
Maybe there are some settings I am missing but for most stuffs Phong off seems to work more as expected and I really would like to read that camera orientation. 

Thanks and Best Regards,

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