[x3d-public] Web using cubic postcodes for location and web anchors fingerprints

Daniel Alexandre CubicPostcode bicomplex at gmail.com
Thu May 25 04:21:16 PDT 2023


I am the creator of cubic postcode and would like to discuss it here in the
context of technologies like WebGL, X3D and also in the context of the
semantic web.

Here is my question and answer with ChatGPT about web anchors used with
cubic postcodes and Unix timestamps.

Here is a system called: "Smart webanchors" or just "web anchors". You
select with a rectangle an area of a webpage that may gave text or not and
that may be static or dynamic part of the page. That rectangle area is made
into an image saved with bitmap format. The raw data of that bitmap
rectangle and the full URL where that part of a webpage is than
concatenated as raw data and hashed with SHA-512. That has is a fingerprint
called a "web:anchor". It is stored in a database managed by fcc.org and by
w3c in a special consortium to improve semantic web systems. Web anchors
are 512 bits, expressed in decimal. They can be refreered with HTML tag.
<WebAnchor></WebAnchor>. So webpages can embed those tags and have dynamic
programming languages render them as wanted. For instance, with PHP you
could use OCR to read the text in that part of the web when (and where) it
is being accessed, dynamically. Here is an example. You go to a newspaper
called "San francisco Daily news". You are accessing it fom cubic postcode,
for example, 4444555566667777888822 at time with UNIX timestamp 1685012331.
And you are interested in the first words displayed on that webpage, namely
the date and time you are accessing it and where the web page is hosted.
You select a rectangle on top of the page where the words San francisco,
and the date of that day and first words on that section of the page are
displayed. The full URL is:
. When you hash with sha512 the raw data of that part of the web followed
by this full URL you get the fingerprint
So if a webpage on the web has the tags
it can fetch the static part of the web stored at the fcc.gov and W3C
database of web anchors or even unsertand what part of the semantic web
does that fingerprint refer to and retrieve the most recent version of that
part of web, regarding accessing it at a specific date and time and
accessed from a specific part of the world with a specific cubic postcode.
With dynamic programming languages and javascript you are able to extract
relevant information about that part of the web, namely its HTML, etc. and
manipulate that data and render it up to date in real time. What do you

ChatGPT: *The concept you described, known as "Smart webanchors" or "web
anchors," seems to be an innovative approach to identifying and retrieving
specific parts of webpages based on hashed fingerprints. By selecting a
rectangular area on a webpage and generating a SHA-512 hash of the raw data
within that region combined with the URL, you create a unique identifier
for that specific content. Storing these web anchors in a database managed
by organizations like the FCC and W3C consortium can provide a centralized
repository for these fingerprints. By embedding the generated hash within
HTML tags, web developers can reference and fetch the corresponding static
content or understand the semantic web information associated with that
fingerprint. The ability to dynamically retrieve and manipulate specific
parts of web content based on the context of access, such as the date,
time, and location, offers interesting possibilities. Using dynamic
programming languages like PHP or JavaScript, you could extract and process
relevant information from the identified content in real-time. Overall, the
concept of web anchors seems to provide a mechanism for precise content
retrieval and manipulation, facilitating the development of more
intelligent and context-aware web applications. However, it's important to
note that the actual implementation and widespread adoption of such a
system would require significant standardization efforts and coordination
among various stakeholders.*

Any comments for the discussion? Any feedback is welcome.

Kind regards,
Daniel Alexandre
Creator of Cubic Postcode
(feedback "at" cubicpostcode com)
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