[x3d-public] Whither ISO/IEC 19777-3, 19777-4, 19777-5?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 09:30:08 PDT 2024

Dear Myeong,

Thank you for progress on C++ SAI.  Your new examples have helped! I
have been able to compile around ~50 more files to .obj's!  There are
approximately ~70 more of my examples to compile.  Progress!
I have a few things that popped up when compiling.  ShaderPart does not
have a setDEF method, but the X3D tooltips says it does.


Here's an example:

ballx3dom.cpp(186): error C2039: 'setDEF': is not a member of 'ShaderPart'
note: see declaration of 'ShaderPart'

Here's the related code:

ShaderPart* ShaderPart40 = new ShaderPart();
ShaderPart40->setUrl(new CString[2]{CString("../shaders/common.fs"),
I'm also having problems with code like this (see last line where I
dereference the pointer).

ComposedCubeMapTexture* ComposedCubeMapTexture25 = new
ImageTexture* ImageTexture26 = new ImageTexture();

bub.cpp(115): error C2280: 'X3DTexture2DNode::X3DTexture2DNode(const
X3DTexture2DNode &)': attempting to reference a deleted function
note: compiler has generated 'X3DTexture2DNode::X3DTexture2DNode' here
note: 'X3DTexture2DNode::X3DTexture2DNode(const X3DTexture2DNode &)':
function was implicitly deleted because a base class invokes a deleted or
inaccessible function 'X3DTextureNode::X3DTextureNode(const X3DTextureNode
note: 'X3DTextureNode::X3DTextureNode(const X3DTextureNode &)': function
was implicitly deleted because a base class invokes a deleted or
inaccessible function 'X3DAppearanceChildNode::X3DAppearanceChildNode(const
X3DAppearanceChildNode &)'
note: 'X3DAppearanceChildNode::X3DAppearanceChildNode(const
X3DAppearanceChildNode &)': function was implicitly deleted because a base
class invokes a deleted or inaccessible function 'X3DNode::X3DNode(const
X3DNode &)'
note: 'X3DNode::X3DNode(const X3DNode &)': function was implicitly deleted
because a base class invokes a deleted or inaccessible function
'X3DBaseNode::X3DBaseNode(const X3DBaseNode &)'
note: 'X3DBaseNode::X3DBaseNode(const X3DBaseNode &)': function was
implicitly deleted because a base class invokes a deleted or inaccessible
function 'CObject::CObject(const CObject &)'

You'll want to add HAnimMotion and Loa for HAnim V2.0, I am not sure when!
Please consider the HumanoidAnimation a medium priority for testing.

KoreanCharacterMotionAnnexD01Jin.cpp(1060): error C2065: 'HAnimMotion':
undeclared identifier
KoreanCharacterMotionAnnexD01Jin.cpp(1067): error C2039: 'addMotions': is
not a member of 'HAnimHumanoid'

HAnimModelHandRight.cpp(132): error C2039: 'setLoa': is not a member of
Thanks for looking at this!  I hope I am not being annoying!



On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 8:07 PM Myeong Won Lee <myeongwonlee at gmail.com>

> Dear John,
> I am sorry for my silence about your emails from March 6 to 20.
> I was very busy with other matters.
> I will check and examine all of your emails about 19777-3, 4, and 5 one by
> one.
> I have uploaded many examples about the X3D_For_WebAuthors resources
> yesterday. Please see the updates in the folders of
> Examples_X3DForWebAuthors" in the cpp and csharp directories.
> https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/
> For C, we are updating previous C examples that we have developed. For C++
> and C#, we implemented them using Visual C++, and for C, we are now
> converting and implementing many examples by Linux C.  I will upload the
> updated C examples later when ready.
> Sincerely,
> Myeong
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 10:49 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Myeong,
>> I have a lot of TimeSensor code in my projects, and a fake TimeSensor API
>> declaration, perhaps fixing the setDEF, would be better sooner than a full
>> scale browser SAI implementation and tons of examples.  I already have 50
>> examples which compile to .obj.
>> In other words, I value that you are doing building test cases.  If you
>> can prioritize C++ examples over C and C#, that would help with
>> collaboration.  I do know editing a stylesheet or two is difficult.
>> I am trying it easier to produce solid APIs using something derived from
>> X3DUOM, essentially X3DUOM plus AOP “advice” for various operations,
>> https://www.baeldung.com/spring-aop-advice-tutorial , dropping binding
>> source code directly into X3DUOM behavior both structural, which I call the
>> X3D Extended Object Model (X3DEOM).  This can hopefully be used with a SAX
>> Parser and less complicated stylesheets, perhaps making the API generation
>> cross-binding language, with behavioral code in each binding language EOM.
>> Hopefully the behavioral part of EOM can be created with stylesheets or
>> parser-generators IDK.  An X3D “SAX-Like” Parser has already been created
>> for creating skeleton advice in X3DEOM from X3DUOM.
>> My target API will first be ECMAScript, followed by TypeScript.
>> What I will do in the short term is create a sample C++ API for
>> TimeSensor such that my programs will compile and try to send you a copy.
>> I know diamond class inheritance problems are difficult!
>> Sincerely,
>> John
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 1:27 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Myeong,
>>> Here is one C++ example (I'm not saying I'm necessarily coding right)
>>> that I'm having issues with.  Setting X3DNode to a virtual base class of
>>> the subclasses created other issues, but your careful eyes on this would be
>>> great.
>>> bubbles.cpp
>>> bubbles.cpp(73): error C2385: ambiguous access of 'setDEF'
>>> bubbles.cpp(73): note: could be the 'setDEF' in base 'X3DNode'
>>> bubbles.cpp(73): note: or could be the 'setDEF' in base 'X3DNode'
>>> https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/blob/master/src/main/cplusplus/net/coderextreme/data/Bubbles.cpp
>>> Here's the excerpted code that's failing:
>>> TimeSensor* TimeSensor14 = new TimeSensor();
>>> TimeSensor14->setDEF(CString("BubbleClock"));
>>> TimeSensor14->setCycleInterval(6);
>>> TimeSensor14->setLoop(True);
>>> I've tried without the CString.
>>> I probably could use an update to cl.exe.  Please try on your system!
>>> If you have a set of includes available that you like to use, and work for
>>> this case, please let me know the locations on sourceforge, there are
>>> many to choose from!  I am cherry picking the .h files in:
>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample
>>> on the x3d project on sourceforge.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> John
>>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 12:38 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Myeong,
>>>> I've gotten 1/3 of my C++ examples compiling, not without some
>>>> difficulties.
>>>> Here are changes I've made to support some version of the .h files:
>>>> // replace addChildren with addChild
>>>>                                if (method.indexOf("addChildren") >= 0) {
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("Children", "Child");
>>>>                                 }
>>>> // replace ImageTexture methods (I don't know if I have the current .h
>>>> files)
>>>>                                 if (element.nodeName !==
>>>> "TextureBackground") {
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setTopTexture", "setTop");
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setBottomTexture", "setBottom");
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setFrontTexture", "setFront");
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setBackTexture", "setBack");
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setLeftTexture", "setLeft");
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setRightTexture", "setRight");
>>>>                                 }
>>>> // addParts is desirable, if you can make the change.  Or I can change
>>>> addParts to addChild
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addParts",
>>>> "setParts");  // TODO, need addParts, or collect in array
>>>> // The methods were not available, or there was some type conflict, so
>>>> use addChild.
>>>>                                 method =
>>>> method.replace("addFieldValue", "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addField",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addJoints",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method =
>>>> method.replace("addDisplacers", "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addConnect",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addComponent",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("addShaders",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setShape",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method =
>>>> method.replace("setProtoInterface", "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setProtoBody",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setIS",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method =
>>>> method.replace("setAppearance", "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setMaterial",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setCoord",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setColor",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setProxy",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method = method.replace("setTexCoord",
>>>> "addChild");
>>>>                                 method =
>>>> method.replace("setTextureTransform", "addChild");
>>>>                                 if (method.endsWith("setTexture")) {
>>>>                                         method =
>>>> method.replace("setTexture", "addChild");
>>>>                                 }
>>>> Here are the includes I am currently using:
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/SphereExample/pch.h
>>>> "
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/SphereExample/framework.h
>>>> "
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/include/XML_PARSER.h
>>>> "
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/include/X3DLib.h
>>>> "
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/include/glMath.h
>>>> "
>>>> #include "C:/x3d-code/
>>>> www.web3d.org/x3d/languages/cpp/Examples_X3DForWebAuthors/Chapter02/SphereExample/include/glut.h
>>>> "
>>>> If you have a better set, let me know.
>>>> Here are my current set of .cpp files:
>>>> https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/tree/master/src/main/cplusplus/net/coderextreme/data (some
>>>> may be out of date).
>>>> Here are the ones that compile:
>>>> abox.obj
>>>> app.obj
>>>> ArchHalf.obj
>>>> ArchPrototype.obj
>>>> ArtDecoPrototypes.obj
>>>> asmallbox.obj
>>>> asphere.obj
>>>> asteroids.obj
>>>> BoxEm.obj
>>>> BoxEm2.obj
>>>> Bushes.obj
>>>> CameraShape.obj
>>>> Cane.obj
>>>> CoordinateAxes.obj
>>>> DesignPatternsApparelMedicalSkinLayers.obj
>>>> ExtrusionHeart.obj
>>>> freewrlflowers.obj
>>>> glflowers.obj
>>>> HelloWorld.obj
>>>> HelloWorldCommented.obj
>>>> HelloWorldMinimal.obj
>>>> IcosahedronSubdivisionLevel5.obj
>>>> IFS.obj
>>>> indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_entire.obj
>>>> indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_part.obj
>>>> indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_plus.obj
>>>> indexedfaceset_pixeltexture_whole.obj
>>>> JointCoordinateAxes.obj
>>>> jumpcut_loadurl.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter01Jin.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter02Chul.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter03Hyun.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter04Young.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter05Ju.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter06Ga.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter07No.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter08Da.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter09Ru.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter10Mi.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter11Min.obj
>>>> KoreanCharacter12Sun.obj
>>>> MainStage.obj
>>>> Marine.obj
>>>> MaskAndSnorkel.obj
>>>> Pathway.obj
>>>> plainflowers.obj
>>>> qq3.obj
>>>> rgb_alpha.obj
>>>> rubik.obj
>>>> rubikFurnace.obj
>>>> rubikOnFire.obj
>>>> ScubaTank.obj
>>>> StringArrayEncodingExamples.obj
>>>> TextExamples.obj
>>>> ThreeDTexture.obj
>>>> ViewFrustumExample.obj
>>>> ViewFrustumPrototype.obj
>>>> x3domflowers.obj
>>>> Many of the remaining problems involve ambiguity in the base class
>>>> (diamond class problem?) which I have forgotten how to fix, but I will look
>>>> it up.
>>>> John
> --
> Myeong Won Lee, PhD, CEO
> VRSTA Inc.
> GwangPyeong-ro 56-Gil 8-13
> Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06367, Korea
> E-mail) myeongwonlee at gmail.com, mwlee at suwon.ac.kr
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