Hello everybody!<br><br>This is my first message to the list, even though I have some experience using the good old VRML.<br><br>I would like to add a plug in a Virtual Environment (VE), so that any object placed over the plug (collision) would receive events to turn it on or off.<br>
<br>My initial idea was to define prototypes with a boolean input field for the different objects (bulbs, toys,...) I wanted to plug. These objects would be moved over a table using a PlaneSensor. Then I would connect a button with a TouchSensor that would send its events to the position of the 'plug' in the 3D space. I would like this plug to be also movable using a PlaneSensor.<br>
<br>Unluckily, after checking X3D specification, I think this approach is not possible. <br><br>How could I implement such a behaviour in X3D? <br>I have tried to create an script executed by the objects likely to be connected to the plug, in which I would manually check the collision among these objects, but I would need to get the 3D position of both the plug and the object. Is there any way to do this?<br>
<br>Would I need to use SAI and have a parallel SceneGraph -an external java SceneGraph- definition that allows me to check such things??<br><br>Thanks in advance!!<br><br><br><br><br>