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Dear Members of X3D-public<br /><br />Proudly presenting the "official pre-alpha" release of some X3D prototypes that could help in implementing network sensor based multiuser scenes.<br /><br />OK, it's experimental and it's pre-alpha, but it is open source (LGPL) and if you are interested in the network sensor, then it could be interesting to read the following few lines and follow the links.<br /><br />OK, what will it be:<br />I tried hard to compile some useful and concise information in following release paper (can also be found in attachment):<br />http://simulrr.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/releasepaperprealpha.pdf<br /><br />Alternatively, you could go to youtube and have a look to the demo video<br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6yws7zBP4c<br /><br />Basically, it will be a set of X3D prototypes that have been tested with BS Contact/BS Collaborate (in single-player-mode and in multi-player-mode) and with Instant Player (in single-player-mode) and that should help the modeller to use the network sensor easily.<br /><br />Additionally, an "MMF-Architecture" (model/module/frame) has been defined, to state clearly: "Models and Modules that are used in the layouts (i.e. scenes) may come from different authors, but using the SRR Framework (and VRML/X3D, of course) guarantees interoperability".<br /><br />Last but not least, a big "thank you" to all the peoples in 'cc', who helped at several test sessions.<br /><br />Have fun<br />Christoph<br /><br />P.S.: this project is a hobby project and we are not backed by a company (yet)<br />P.P.S.: Comments welcome, however, I will not be available the next days, so it<br /> may happen I will answer later<br />
<div class="signature"><br /><br /><br />-- <br />NEU: FreePhone - 0ct/min Handyspartarif mit Geld-zurück-Garantie! <br />Jetzt informieren: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/freephone</div></body>